Tuesday, July 15, 2014

For your entertainment

No, it's not another video of Annie singing.  I apologize if I got your hopes up.

I saw this today and thought it was worth sharing.  WORD CRIMES (double click on it, Dad.)

More soon.


Monday, July 14, 2014


They're home... but it seems like the kids have been gone more than here. Tonight Jake is in Warrensburg, Missouri with a group from band watching DCI Drum Corp.  He was really excited about it and will hopefully be home before midnight.  

Annie was gone most of the day working on her on-line Health class with a study group. Now, she's out celebrating a girlfriends birthday at Dave and Busters.  She gets a little competitive playing games, so I am certain she will come home with stories.  

I have a feeling this will be the new norm.  And we will take them on vacation to force them to spend time with us.  Ha ha!  I'm kidding, of course, but we do have a cruise planned for Spring Break.  Yep, we'll put them on a ship with us and disconnect technology.  It's something to look forward to!

Jack was in training all day.  In a room with no windows.  He had no idea it rained today and had to ask why Jake didn't mow the lawn today.  He is out enjoying the cooler weather and hitting a bucket of balls.

I have been plowing through my to-do list.  I'm making good progress but it seems adding as many as I take off almost every day.  I went by the new building today and saw our classroom for the first time.  It is exciting!  There is an open house for the community on July 31st, so LOTS still to do there, as well.  I got back to work on August 11th.  

No pictures to share tonight.  More soon.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

They're HOME! And my projects are complete (well, almost)

The vans arrived at the church at 6:40 p.m.  Jake had called us when they were 15 minutes out... which got us to church after the vans were unpacked.  We were greeted with BIG hugs and huge smiles.  They had a great week but were happy to be home.

We were so happy to see these faces!
And they were happy to see us, too!

Jack had brought their phones and I was impressed by their restraint.  Annie didn't touch hers until she was in the truck.  Jake hadn't clearly seen any texts since the last day of school, so he got his 'new to him' phone when it became clear that we would be waiting for a while before several other parents arrived.  Jake had four voicemail messages, one from Old Navy asking him to come in for an interview.    

One last beautiful picture of Shiprock.

And guess what Jake brought us... a ROCK!

The kids are tired, so we haven't heard very many stories.
Hopefully tomorrow.

My projects are about 99% complete.  I'm want the kids help with the finishing touches in their bathroom.  
Kids bathroom
They were both really surprised and happy! 
(And a little mad because I said I didn't do anything all week) 
They love the faucets and towel hooks.

And the half bath

The stained glass was made by Paula
The shells are from every beach 
Jack and I have ever been to.

It was a long day for all of us.  Jake is already asleep.  His van listened to a book on tape so his eyes may have been closed but he said he never really slept.  Annie slept a lot on the long drive.  She kept being rudely awakened by an annoying fly.  I guess she got really mad about it, too.  She tried her best but it definitely got the best of her.  "I know I gave it brain damage."    

Time to call it a night.


Singing loud and proud!

I tried to share this on Facebook, unsuccessfully.  

Thankfully, I am able to upload it here for everyone to hear.  I know we're bias but she sure does have a beautiful voice!  We were overjoyed to see (and hear) her sharing this talent on the Youth Mission Trip.  

The kids will be home in a few hours.  We are busy finishing up their bathroom.  Although Jack and I both think the kids will be completely underwhelmed by the changes.  BUT it looks so much better and now all we will have to replace is the flooring in a few years.  


Thursday, July 10, 2014


I have been hard at work.  The kids bathroom is coming along.  The painting is almost done.  I just have a little touch up work.  Then comes the fun part ~ decorating!  That will have to wait until Saturday, since I have to work tomorrow.

Here are a few pictures of my progress...

Removing doors and drawers
and prime everything

White paint
on the inside
of everything

Now it's time to start the vanity
it's Behr Paint - Anonymous.
I was a little nervous.

And finally, it just needs to dry
so I can add the new pulls

Tomorrow Jack is golfing but he has a to do list:  change the faucets, pull trim off in front of the tub (which he's doing right now, actually), put away a couple ladders, a light and extension cord, and hang a curtain rod in Jake's room.  :-)  I don't get to have all the fun on this project.  ;-)

Once it's decorated and finished I'll post pictures of both bathrooms.  


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

More YMT Pics

Just in case you can't figure out the acronym, YMT is Youth Mission Trip.

The kids called again last night.  Early this time, thankfully.  Annie was excited to get to go to Jake's work site this morning to retrieve tools.  Not everyone was excited about the two hour journey but Annie wanted to see it for herself.  They had expected to work on the church again today, but had a large enough crew yesterday that they are ahead of schedule.  Jake will be painting the shed.  He was excited about that.  Annie hasn't been playing the ukulele during devotions, "we sing a cappella". However, she is teaching a couple others how to play.  

Here are a few more pictures that didn't make their blog.

More Sunday night pictures.

I love this picture!

Navajo Taco Tuesday
at Shiprock UMC

Annie said you don't eat it like a taco.
You tear the fried bread and use it like a pusher.
I am so very thankful the kids went on this trip.  It's great to hear their voices so full of excitement about doing God's work.  


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kids Update

We got to talk to both kids last night.  They had a busy, hot, long day.  Dry or humid - hot is hot.  If you are following their blog (LUMC YMT 2014) then you know what they're up to but it was still good to hear their voices.  Jake said the church he is working on is tiny, a little smaller than our garage.  I don't want you to think they're working too hard, Jake took an hour and a half long nap.  I asked if he slept on the ride back, since his work site is an hour away and he said, "no, it's so beautiful.  I slept when I got back."  Annie is doing great. She's enjoying all the lizards and cute rabbits - "they don't look like the rabbits at home, they're tiny and really fast!"  I would suspect that's because the slow rabbits have already been eaten, but I didn't tell her that.  I asked if Annie worked at the Day Care today and she said, "nope, it was all hard labor."  

Shiprock is on sacred ground but they got permission to explore and climb near it.  If you want to know more about Shiprock, click here.

Here are a few pictures Howard and Elizabeth posted on Facebook.

At this point they were all walking.  And panting.

What a team!
Leawood Youth and the Pastor

Jake and Annie love to climb on rocks!
And take time to enjoy the view.


I am so thankful they are getting this experience.


Monday, July 7, 2014

What a day!

If you didn't read the updates I added to my last entry, the kids made it to Shiprock, had devotions and got settled in a 2 A.M.!  It was a crazy long day but they were all doing well. They had planned to sleep in until 9 on Sunday... they had no idea what a good idea that would be.  :-)  Here are a few of their pictures:
What a beautiful sight!
Jake doesn't know why there are big fences around them...

Jake called last night.  He said he had a very good day.  The group went to the Four Corners Monument.  I think Jake was underwhelmed, "it's just four squares." - which made me laugh.  He added, "I wore my hat and didn't need sunscreen because it's so big it shades my whole body... at noon."  Big hat, skinny kid, we both laughed.  They had an orientation and introduction to the Navajo Nation.  Jake said, "it was really interesting!"  He and Danny will be hanging dry wall.  We didn't send any masks but he will get one, no need for concern.  I didn't get to talk to Annie but Jake said, "she'll be painting a shed... all four sides."  That kid cracks me up!  

While the kids were getting situated in New Mexico, Jack and I enjoyed a day of celebration.  We picked up my parents and headed to Manhattan.  Addy's 4th birthday - her Golden Birthday - was July 4th and she wanted to celebrate in Kansas.  Due to her Papa's work schedule they couldn't get here until Saturday, so the Sunday party was perfect.  The party was in City Park, in Manhattan, right next to the Splash Park.  There were big trees to provide much needed shade on the hot day.  
The birthday girl!


Addy's Great Grammy, Cate the Great, gave her a Minnie Mouse pinata!
The kids loved it.  Here Sam's taking a swing while Isaac watches.

It was HOT and Sarah joined Addy in a run through the sprinklers. 

 Yesterday, was my Dad's 87th Birthday, so had much to celebrate!    
You look great, Dad!

lighting the candles was tricky.


{Marlene made all the cakes.}

What a group!  I'm so blessed to call them my family!

D.J. and Melissa announced they will be adding to their family in March!  We are so excited for them!!
Yes, Sophie will be a big sister soon!  

It was a fun day!  The kids were missed at the party but I know they are where they should be.  


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Go and do great things!

Youth Mission Team 2014
Four Corners Navajo Nation  
Shiprock, New Mexico

Front row:  Sherri, Jenna, Annie, Susan, Rachel, Elizabeth
Back row: Barb, Howard, Barb, Jake, Danny

We gathered early this morning.  There was a group of close to thirty that met at 6 a.m. to share in devotion and pray over their journey.  
Danny's family brought a ukulele in a case for Annie to borrow. 

Girl Power!
Jenna, Annie, Susan, and Rachel

"We're ready!!"
Jake and Danny

If you'd like to follow along, check out their blog: LeawoodUMCYouth2014.

Prayers are appreciated.


1:07 p.m. Update
A very thankful Annie.

They just left Dodge City, Kansas where they stopped for gas and food.  I was surprised to get a picture but Annie.  :-)  

9:24 p.m. update - all is well.  Annie has been entertaining her van playing the ukulele and singing.  They are about 2 1/2 hours from Shiprock, New Mexico.  All is well.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Be safe

I posted this on Facebook, but for my non-Facebook friends and family I thought it was blog worthy, too.

As much as I love fireworks, my mind goes directly to the time - I was 8 or 9 years old - sitting on a bench in front of my neighbor, Sally Hastings house with a box of unraveled Black Cat firecrackers in my lap. I had a punk in one hand and was lighting them one by one and throwing them with the other. It was great fun until I dropped a lit one in the box. I fell over backwards and scampered away.  Luckily I didn't get any burns but I couldn't get hear for several days.  Good times.

Have a safe and happy 4th everyone!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I'm making progress with all my painting projects.

The bathroom painting is 90% complete.  There's a tiny strip at the ceiling above the potty that I couldn't reach.  And I want to repaint all the trim bright white.  
While making progress it looked more khaki than gray.

Yes, I asked for help.
Yes, he was in his uniform.
No, he didn't get paint on himself.

The paint is Dutch Boy - Sky Gray.

I used the same paint.

I also repainted the inside of the front door.  I will be repainting that trim, as well.  I had never painted a door before.  Not to bad, if I do say so myself.  

I am trying to convince Jack to take a trip to Home Depot with me now.  I want to spray paint the mirror dark blue before I hang it back up.  He's not budging.  I'll have to go tomorrow.

Two more rooms and my painting will be done for a while.  I'll post details as my progress continues.

Yesterday, I attended a training class called Handwriting Without Tears.  I've used the program for years but never had to formal training.  I have always liked it but now that I have the big picture - I absolutely love it!  And I will get to turn in the six hours of training toward the 20 I am required to get for my job.  Yay!  And maybe best of all it was free!  I was at the right place at the right time and it just worked out.  My friend, Sherri, joined me which made it even more fun.
This was how I started my week.
Yes, they fed me, too!  
I'm spoiled!
