Friday, July 31, 2015

Senior Year - step 1

TODAY, was Senior Portraits.  Not to be confused with senior pictures.  This will be his official picture in the yearbook, along with his classmates.  Today's picture was to be "more formal".   Jake will be getting his Senior Pictures taken in about a month and a half.

 He liked the fact that he could wear nice clothes on top with shorts.

This guy got a genuine smile out of Jake.

I went back to school on Wednesday.  Training started on Tuesday but I had a conflict so I joined them on Wednesday.  Yesterday and today I have spent over 14 hours in the classroom prepping.  We start our Fall Semester on MONDAY!  ?  How can that be?  We are a private day school, that's how.  (Wednesday I would have told you, 'I'm not ready.' But after the last two days it's hard not to jump on the bandwagon.  Here are a few of my bulletin boards...

Inspired by the movie - Up
It says "Where our adventure begins" 
and lists all the students and teachers on balloons.

This is Our Family Tree
Each student will bring in a picture of their family.
(Yes, I should have made the branch second from the bottom extend.)

On the left it says, 'Away we learn' instead 
of away we go.
And in the yellow box attached to the house.
 in the bottom left corner, it says,
"Student artwork coming soon!"

For the first 5 weeks we will have a star student sharing 
their "All about ME!" posters each day.  
The five students will get to display their posters inside the box for a week, 
then they'll be moved to the outside area. 

Laura and Shelby were both super excited that I tackled the bulletin boards.  After I finished I got to label everything in the classroom.  It Was Torture!  I could tell I was getting tired when I accidentally labeled the smocks bin the smokes bin.  I laughed.  And I left it there.  I really doubt anyone ever see's it. 

Wednesday night, Annie and I (Jake was supposed to go but he bailed so we took Annie's friend, Aubrey) to see Mary Poppins at Starlight Theater.  We had a great time!  We had great seats that were right next to the sound engineers area.  Annie thought it was great to sit so close.  "I know how to use that!" she said more than once.  And ever time there was a minor sound problem she would immediately look to see what he was doing and how stressed out his was.  She would giggle every time she caught him singing or speaking along with the actors on stage.  Aubrey had never been to Starlight before so it was extra special.  The production was AMAZING!  
Aubrey had no interest in getting her picture taken.

And yesterday Jack celebrated his 25th Anniversary with Sprint!  He got this with a letter from Marcelo (he's the big cheese)!
AND Jack gets a party.
And if I play my cards right maybe I'll get to go!

Ok, I'm exhausted.


Friday, July 24, 2015

Weekly recap

Saturday night Annie babysat.  They have a new kitten.  She really wants a kitten.

Pre-color bleach
When she grows up I think she'll be a cat lady.

Sunday, Jack, Pilot and I went to Topeka to try to salvage my parent computer.  We were greeted by my folks, Heidi and Christopher.  Jack tried with all his might to save their computer but discovered he needed a new hard drive.  And brought it home with him.  

Christopher and I enjoyed watching Heidi put together a 10 piece set.
10 pieces - including the plane and two signs.

 While we were in Topeka, a friend of Annie's colored her hair.  Isn't it fun?
It's teal!

I had a couple training classes this week.  
This was my favorite quote!

He really is a bird dog!
Pilot caught a live bird
it was a pigeon or turtle dove - we're not sure
He was so proud.

Jack and I had a date night and tried a new BBQ restaurant called Q39.
Delicious spiced onion straws.

And part of their Competition Plate (ribs and brisket)

Jack took today off and played golf
Pilot took his spot in the bed as Jack left the house.

Jack and I met Sue and Lauren for Happy Hour tonight.
It was so good to see them both!
F U N !

Jake was on the band leadership retreat from Wednesday until this afternoon.  Believe it or not - he came home burnt to a crisp.  He has a "life jacket tan (burn)".  He had fun on the wakeboard.  He had a good time and is looking forward to band season. 


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Two is good

Jake got not one - but TWO jobs!  He starts tomorrow at Taco Bell.  AND he got a job at Urban Air but it doesn't open until the end of the month.  He thinks he can work two jobs, go to school and do marching band.  !?   I told him this morning - before he went to Taco Bell - that one job was plenty but he said he really wants to work there.  (Shrug)  I just don't want it to end on a bad note since he likes to hang out there with his friends.  We shall see.

Annie's room is super clean.  It's the first time in a L O N G time.  She found a check or maybe two so she thinks she's rich.  And she's babysitting tomorrow.  "Mo money! Mo money!"  She didn't say that, I just thought it in my head and decided to share it.

Jack golfed tonight and had 10 putts in 9 holes.  He hadn't picked up a club in two weeks.  He's feeling pretty good about it.  

I helped a friend who's in the process of moving.  She'd been in her apartment for 23 years.  She is excited about the change but was understandably anxious when I got there this morning.  I helped her move some smaller, special items that she didn't want to risk with the movers.  We moved plants.  I took out trash and a trunk load of recycling.  Jack and I are going back over tomorrow night to move her tv, desk and computer.  

I also got Pilot enrolled in a beginning training class.  I've been wanting to do this since he was about 3 months old.  I'll keep you posted.  

Ok, that's it for now.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Home - safe and sound

Wow!  What a week! 

We spent our first night at Trinity UMC in Winchester, Kentucky.  Annie and I were in charge of devotions.  We played a game called Identity Crisis where everyone had to pick an identity and asked to write it down.  It could be anyone - a real person, tv/movie personality or cartoon character.  I broke everyone into teams of four and each took turns guessing who was who.  While remembering the all the names.  I read through the list only twice.  It was fun and everyone enjoyed it.  

Afterwards Annie read Mark 8: 27-30.  And I asked the question - Why didn't Jesus want the disciples to tell about him?  I'm not sure what stirred in me but it definitely struck a cord. The answer is because Jesus wanted to tell his story in his way, in his time. It's too easy to misunderstand his message is.  I became overwhelmed and the tears fell.  As a Mom, how often do I answer for my children?  We, as human, want to tell what we want to share and it isn't always the whole store.  I asked a couple other questions but didn't wait for responses and answered them myself.  I wrapped up quickly and forgot to end in prayer.  Granted, I was very tired and used it as my excuse, but the whole truth wasn't something I could articulate at the time.  I was called the crier for the next few days - but it was all in love.  And fun.  And truth.  I deserved it.

We stopped at Henderson Settlement for a tour.  Howard and his wife, Lois were missionaries there for two years in the 70's (I think).  It was raining but Howard enjoyed catching up with several old friends.  

Our youth.

We arrived safely at Red Bird Mission Work Camp at 4:00 p.m.  We had orientation after dinner and everyone was ready for lights out at 11:00 p.m.  Our crew leaders had gotten their work assignments days before and after a quick meeting Monday morning during breakfast we were off to our assignments. 

Here is our team.
9 youth and 8 adults.

I am so thankful that our family was able to take this trip together.  Jack and Jake were on one crew and Annie and I were on another.  Jack rode in one van, Jake in another and Annie and I rode together most of the time.  

Wednesday was our day off and we went to Cumberland Falls.  Several in our group had been there before and said they'd never seen the water so high or so muddy.  

Awkward photo - they thought it was hilarious.
Jake, Annie, Susan and Jenna

(Incidentally, they are the only ones to have been on the last three mission trips)

High School girls
Susan, Annie, Jenna and Kristin

I don't know what was my favorite part.  Devotion and communion Friday night at Beverly United Methodist Church was very meaningful.  The building is amazing, with a beautiful chestnut ceiling. It was hot and muggy - so much so my eyes were sweating.  I just kept thinking about my grandparents and parents sitting in those pews.  Probably one of the reason for the eye "sweat". Did I mention how amazing the ceiling was?  

Amazing, huh?!

If you followed the blog you know what jobs were had and have read our reflections.  If not, go read the blog.  (Leawood UMC Mission Trip 2015)

We picked up Pilot yesterday.  He was so happy to see us - but was very well taken care of by friends from church.  He got taller, his hair is longer and his baby teeth are gone.  He now has big chompers!   

I have been doing laundry all day.  Gross, stinky, sometimes wet laundry.  Yuck!  

Jack went back to work and had a day full of meetings.  He said had a good day.

Jake may have gotten a job.  At Taco Bell.  He's supposed to take in his Social Security card and sign papers on Wednesday morning.  He had an interview at Urban Air last night and he'll find out tomorrow if he got it.  Fingers crossed.  It's a trampoline park just down the street.  

Annie spent the day at home.  Well, she had a dental appointment.  She has two cavities that will get filled in three weeks.  These two cavities were found a year ago but they couldn't fill them because of her braces.  And there's still a bit of cement they couldn't get off her teeth so the dentist will try again.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mission Trip

Hi all!  So, I fell short on my challenge.  Boo.

We leave Saturday on the Mission Trip and here is the blog link; Red Bird Mission Trip Blog

Here are a few pictures from June for your entertainment.

Sue steaming off wallpaper.

Trying to decide our next step...


Looks great!

Enjoying the sunshine.

Annie helping Grandma Cate pull weeds. 

I can't remember but this makes me laugh.

Playing On the Farm with Marlene and Mom on my birthday.

Annie and Henry - on his birthday.
He's a friend from church she babysits.

Henry asked Jake to sit with him during the Children's Sermon.
Jake babysits sometimes, too.

Have you ever seen such big pancakes?
Jake ate every bite... over two meals. 

Pilot got a haircut.

A quick visit with Grandma.

Pilot waiting for Annie...

My beautiful girl!
