Sunday, June 7, 2015

28 Day Challenge

A challenge written by me, for me... and it doesn't have anything to do with weight loss.

I will blog every day  until July 3rd.  If I counted correctly that 28 days.  (We leave on the Mission Trip July 4th.)

Each post will include...

* at least one picture 

* an accomplishment

* something I did  (this is my motivation!)

* something I learned

* something I created


Today, I embarrassed myself praying in Sunday School this morning.  The lesson was on pride and what I wanted to say didn't come out right and I sounded so conceited. Thankfully everyone laughed - I wanted to crawl under the table.  I won't volunteer to pray at the end of class again for a while.

I created this challenge.  And I'm excited about it.  

I did laundry.  It will be folded and put away TONIGHT!  (No, this is not exactly the accomplishment I was hoping to share but it is an accomplishment!)

I ran away from a huge bumble bee.  Yes, I AM still daydreaming about a screened in porch. 
As I'm writing this this just happened...
I guess you could say I've created a monster.
ha ha!

I found a new recipe for baked zucchini chips.  They used organic zucchini.  I am using small regular zucchini.  I'll let you know how they turn out.  Here's the recipe (double click on it) if you're interested.


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