Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2 miles

Yep, two miles seems to be a good distance to ware this little dog out.  We came home and after some food and a drink he let me brush him out.  Which is not one of his favorite things. He only barked and wrestled a little.

I have decided I've been staying up way too late at night.  Annie and I stayed up last night watching tv and chatting.  I wish I could go to bed early but Annie went to a concert in Lawrence and someone (usually me) waits up until all are accounted for.  Jake is spending the night at a friends house.  He and his friends are either playing Magic the Gathering or Dungeons and Dragons.  

I made myself a delicious dinner, using only leftovers and veggies.  I should have taken a picture.  It was so good.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Here is my doodle of the day.  

Ok, it's not a doodle, it's from a book.
I used markers.

It was a quiet day.  Quiet except for when Jake and his friends were here.  

Jack played golf.  He shot 9 over.  He was disappointed because he finished poorly.  Scott did well and they won.

I think I'm forgetting to include something but I'm tired.  


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

That dog...

Day 3

This morning started with a walk.  I don't understand how a walk does everything but calm our little dog.  It revs him up.  We walked a little bit faster and a little bit farther but... nope. How long and fast does he need to go?  That is the question.  Tomorrow, earlier, farther, faster.  I hope I can handle it.    
That dog is getting longer.
And faster.  And crazier!

The walk was a good idea.  My arms and shoulders were still sore and it seemed to loosen them up.

I have been struggling making a grocery list.  I ask the family what they want to eat and usually get the proverbial "I dunno".  OR a list of junk food the kids want to snack on.  I've heard it enough that I resorted to Pinterest for inspiration.  I made a list and got to the store tonight.  The best part about grocery shopping?  72 cents off per gallon of gas, thank you, Hyvee!  

While I was on Pinterest I learned that if you mix equal parts warm vinegar (a minute, 30 seconds in the microwave) and Dawn dishwashing liquid it works like magic on soap scum.  Just put it in a spray bottle, spray on your tub, shower, walls and shower doors, leave it for 45 minutes to an hour and it wipes right off.  I used a scrubber sponge but didn't have to scrub.  Oh, and only make as much as you're going to use, it doesn't save.  And it's a little thick, so if you're sprayer gets clogged just rinse it out with hot water.  

Tonight, I went to a Michael's Craft store class with Sue and Lauren and we made bracelets. We were asked to arrive early to choose our beads.  I think I should say I had high expectations.  I think the woman was caught off guard by the number of people that showed up.  Which doesn't make sense to me because you have to enroll.  Needless to say there were WAY more people there than they expected.  The materials and tools we needed were not available.  The amount of "instruction" we received was... is there a lacking.   BUT we had fun, made the best of it and I really like that everyone created something unique and different!

my bracelet
lock and keys

Crafty Girls


Monday, June 8, 2015

Romaine and Sand Dollar

Day 2

Today I learned I need to pace myself.  

I drove down to Sue's this morning.  She wanted to take down some wallpaper and paint.  I offered to help.  After some discussion we decided the whole area was too much and focused on just part of it.  The wallpaper wasn't a problem.  The border took some muscle... LOTS of muscle, in fact.  We worked from 10-4 with a trip to the paint store and a stop at Sonic for lunch.  Romaine and Sand Dollar are the paint colors.  We made progress.  I left before the job was complete but Sue got another boost of energy and I think she'll get it done in the morning.  Today was Sue's first day of her short three week summer break and at this rate she'll be unstoppable!
this is why Sue is unstoppable
she knows how to pace herself.

Jake got his hair cut yesterday.
I tried to get a picture and he thought it was funny 
to put his finger in the middle.
Oh well, you can see his shaggy hair is tamed.

The boys and I went out to dinner.  Annie was at a friends house.  Over dinner Jake shared his discovery that Jack has the maturity level of a 12 year old when it comes to laughing at all things inappropriate.  I don't watch Parks and Rec but he guys watched an episode and Jack 
thought a reference to a fart-attack was hilarious.  I think just reading this will get a audible laugh.  

And Jack and I had a good time embarrassing Jake. #stoptalking #pleasedontusehashtags #notajoke  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

I decided maybe a little time doodling might relax me.  Here's what I made.
still a work in progress.

Pilot has become the neighborhood barker after 10 p.m. tonight.  I wonder if it was because he spent more time in the kennel today?  Tomorrow we will start with a walk and he needs a bath.  He's a little stinker!


Sunday, June 7, 2015

28 Day Challenge

A challenge written by me, for me... and it doesn't have anything to do with weight loss.

I will blog every day  until July 3rd.  If I counted correctly that 28 days.  (We leave on the Mission Trip July 4th.)

Each post will include...

* at least one picture 

* an accomplishment

* something I did  (this is my motivation!)

* something I learned

* something I created


Today, I embarrassed myself praying in Sunday School this morning.  The lesson was on pride and what I wanted to say didn't come out right and I sounded so conceited. Thankfully everyone laughed - I wanted to crawl under the table.  I won't volunteer to pray at the end of class again for a while.

I created this challenge.  And I'm excited about it.  

I did laundry.  It will be folded and put away TONIGHT!  (No, this is not exactly the accomplishment I was hoping to share but it is an accomplishment!)

I ran away from a huge bumble bee.  Yes, I AM still daydreaming about a screened in porch. 
As I'm writing this this just happened...
I guess you could say I've created a monster.
ha ha!

I found a new recipe for baked zucchini chips.  They used organic zucchini.  I am using small regular zucchini.  I'll let you know how they turn out.  Here's the recipe (double click on it) if you're interested.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pinterest and BBQ!

What a FUN day!

I spent the morning with Sue.  We went to the KC Pinterest Addicts Summer Craft Fair.  It was fun and we found some cool stuff.  For those of you that might not know, Pinterest is an online personalized bulletin board where you can "pin" craft ideas or recipes or well, anything you can possibly think of.     

String Art!
This was my favorite.

How cute!

Jack was busy getting ready for the BBQ.  It turned out perfectly.  

He's so serious when it comes time cut the brisket.

We spent the evening with the choir and bell choir from church.  Our friends John and Penny had purchased the BBQ from the Youth Silent Auction and it was a pleasure to join them.  Everyone brought a side dish and there were LOTS of desserts.   The problem that the food was all so good I think everyone indulged as if it were Thanksgiving.  It was all seriously good food!

John and Penny have a beautiful home.  And an AMAZING deck!  I wish I would have taken pictures.  It's screened in, with a ceiling fan and overlooks a pond.  It was done so perfectly!  I really made Jack and I both think it would be a nice addition if we ever have to redo the deck.  

Annie and Jake are both with friends tonight.  It was the first time in months that we came home and there were no cars in the driveway.  Whoa!  Weird!  I guess we better get use to it.


Friday, June 5, 2015

Summer days

8 things to bring you up to speed...

#1 My birthday is next week.  Ok, it's a shameless plug but I don't want anyone to forget. 

#2  We now have a high school SENIOR and JUNIOR!  Jake lettered in Band.  Annie received an Academic letter.  She's already set a goal to get a Thespian letter next year.   Also, a helpful suggestion - both kids have recently said it makes them nauseous when people ask them about their future plans - college, etc.  I share this to help spare the unavoidable awkwardness.        

#3  On most days this is how Pilot sleeps...
He's such a spaz!  He's 11 pounds now and getting so tall!  It's hard to remember how tiny he was... and he's not even 5 months old yet.  Nothing is safe on the coffee table anymore.  

#4  My Dad and I took a trip to deliver his labor love, 90 pages of Hayen Genealogy.  We wondered here and there and it was a fun trip.  We started off in Topeka and went to Marion, Wichita, Augusta in Kansas and Pond Creek and Yukon in Oklahoma.  We spent time on the highway but also enjoyed the road less traveled.  We didn't see any water on the roadway until we were just North of Yukon.  As I prepared for this trip I was very concerned about driving conditions.  Dad was very concerned we'd have a flat tire.  Thankfully neither were an issue.  Helpful tips: *don't forget GPS!  My trusty phone doesn't work so well without data service.  *If someone gives you directions, pay attention!  I thought Dad knew where he was going... not his fault.  (Peabody, Kansas... ugh!)
Dad at Braum's in Enid, Oklahoma.

#5   Jake quit his job at Firehouse Sub, he was miserable.  He is now a handyman for several of our friends.  AND he is looking for another job.  AND he is having fun with his friends. He's been home for dinner only a few times since school was out and last night was the first time he spent the evening at home in... a long time. 

#6  Annie is babysitting, several times a week.  She's now driving, alone.  (Ok, just once, but it's begun.)  And she's hanging out with friends, too.  

#7  Jack is currently prepping the meat for a BBQ tomorrow night.  Friends from church purchased a BBQ at the Youth Silent Auction.   

#8   Lots of plan but not a lot of action.  I have decided I want to make a craft / art area in the basement for me and Annie.  This means I have to clean up part of the basement - kids toys I can't part with, old school work, and other treasures that I need to purge.  In the mean time we have decided to redo the floors in the basement.  Remember how overwhelmed I felt before we jumped into the closet project?  Well, I'm feeling that way times 10.  I know I just need to jump into it with both feet but... I'm procrastinating.  I'll get my rear in gear soon.  Maybe tomorrow.  ha ha!
