Sunday, May 18, 2014


Yay!  It's over!  All the graduations and parties are done.  While I enjoyed the fanfare it made me realize how much I appreciate peace, quiet and solitude.  It's exhausting to be "on" all the time.  I don't know how people do it.  Seriously!  

Yesterday was busy.  Annie and I ran errands, hit a garage sale fundraiser for Alex Fraser and Braden Hofen.  Alex is a recent graduate from BVH that broke his back while surfing in Mexico over Spring Break.  He is in a rehab hospital in Denver.  Braden is an amazing kid embracing life and surviving cancer.  He and his Mom get to come from from Philly tomorrow after his brother donated bone marrow to fight his MDS.  

I finally got Annie behind the wheel.  Yep, she drove for the first time.  It was... entertaining.  At one point we ventured just outside the parking lot and onto private roads around the parking lot.  She stopped about 10 yards shy of the stop sign.  Not bad.  We were going to make a right turn and I reminded her to use her blinker... and she turned on the windshield wipers.  We had to stop several times because we were both laughing.  All and all, she did great.  Really!
"I got this!"

"Is this too close?"  Yes!
Laugh break!
Yes, the car was at a complete stop.

Next, it was home it get the family and go to a couple graduation parties.  It's so hard to believe we know so many graduates.  

Annie and Morgan, our neighbor.

It's so crazy to this these three are in high school
Annie, Hayden and Nick
If I start looking now I think I can find a picture of them 
on the first day of Kindergarten for their Senior picture board. 

Graduation #2 was today.  We went to Topeka for Heidi Jo's graduation from Shawnee Heights High School.  

Woo Hoo!

Heidi Jo and the kids!

It was a good day!  And I am thankful I have two more years before it's our turn. 


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