Thursday, May 8, 2014


Tonight, was the Band Banquet.  We had dinner catered by On The Border - the chicken was really spicy.  We watched a year in review video - including several very good and/or funny pictures of Jake.  The directors each had an opportunity to talk.  Short, sweet and to the point.  They sang praises.  Many, many praises.  They handed out awards and announced those that earned a letter.  I was surprised and so, so happy when Jake's name was read.  He earned his second year letter.  I tried to take a picture but he was sitting across the room and it was awful.

I warned you...
he's peeking around the girl in the red dress.

Both directors agreed the year has gone much better than they expected.  The Director came from Broken Arrow, with an impeccable reputation, but she said they don't hold a candle to the talent and support she's received here.  The Assistant Director was fresh out of college and student taught at West last year.  He recently heard some horror story from fellow graduates, making him even more thankful.  The entire band family - students and booster club - made it a positive experience.   We are lucky to have them!

I was going to take a picture afterwards but Jake was in a hurry to get home and we stayed to help clean up.


In other Jake news, he can now easily see over my head.  I am willing to be that he's going to be taller than Jack.  :-)  

15 more days!  Please keep both Jake and Annie in your prayers.  Summer is so close they can taste it but it's too soon to check out.  Their classes are too hard for that!  


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