Wednesday, May 14, 2014


There are many things on Facebook other than pictures and updates.  One of those many, many things are quizzes that tell you what kind of house you should live in.  What kind of dog you should own. Your favorite color, based on your characteristics.  Today, I took a quiz that told me my "Power Word."  It's usually a lighthearted, somewhat random thing.  Here is what I got...

Your Power Word Is


You are helpful, selfless, and giving. You truly care about other people, and you want everyone to succeed. You are always willing to pitch in and lend a hand. In fact, you often help without being asked. You don't find generosity to be a sacrifice. You like to be of service, and helping makes you feel good. You like to enable others, but you are never an enabler. You only facilitate good things

I was instantly incensed.  To me, enable, conjured up all kind of negative thoughts, thinking directly to the word enabler.  I paused my thought process long enough to read the paragraph description and I realized it was actually pretty accurate.  HOW do they do that? Six random questions, including what's your favorite color - which is orange if you're wondering, and BAM.  It's crazy.   

Last night was Jake's last band concert of his Sophomore year of high school.  I don't let myself get stuck or sucked into the "oh my goodness, only two more years before he graduates" line of thinking. It's two long years away.  Four band seasons - two of marching band and two of concert band.  I will enjoy every minute.  They got the opportunity to work with the composer of one of the pieces they played. His name was Ryan George and he lives outside of Austin, Texas.  It was a interesting to hear the composer talk about each piece.  Mr. George is writing their marching band show.  From what I've heard I expect their marching show to be much more artsy show than in past years.  

Here is a portion of the song Cafe 512, which includes a tuba solo played by Jake.

fingers crossed this works...

My folks were able to come over and enjoy dinner, the concert and a couple games of cards. They spent the night.  We have a new arrangement when it comes to city driving that worked out very well.  I met them in on the west side of Olathe and we parked their car in front of a friend of Jack's.  I picked them up and took them back this morning.

I had a situation this evening that I am not proud of.  Suzy loves riding in the car so I asked if she wanted to go with me when I left to take Annie to youth group tonight in Olathe. Annie's been going with a friend and she always looks forward to it.  Suzy and I drove home and passed right by the dog park.  I did have a pang of guilt as we approached.  I thought about making a quick left turn but decided against it.  Suzy peeked out the window, smiled big and her whole body began to shake with excitement.  I thought, 'Uh oh!'  She looked at me a few times and looked toward the park... I could feel her saying 'COME ON, MOM, let's go for a walk!' and continuing her happy dance with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth.  As she realized I wasn't going to stop her body became very still - almost rigid.  She looked in my direction, gave me a little shrug with her eyebrows, whimpered and laid down.  Sadness filled the car.  She was truly the most pitiful site.  Her big eyes looked at me and I could feel her saying, 'you should be ashamed of yourself.'  Believe me, I learned my lesson.  Next time I will turn and avoid this whole scenario.  I gave her a treat when we got home, trying to make up for my mistake and she was almost reluctant to take it.  I said, "Ok, Suzy, I get the point.  I made a big mistake.  I'm so sorry."  At that she gave me one, single wag of her tail and took the treat.  Wow, I didn't think she could make me feel even worst but I was wrong.  I spoiled her with a good belly rub and I think she's forgiven me. 

The kids have 11 days of school left.  Prayers are appreciated to stay focused and end on a high note.

And I found this today and it's too good not to share.


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