Friday, May 16, 2014

Graduation Weekend!

Graduation #1!

It was a cool, damp evening but we had an enjoyable time at Nate's graduation.  

We had a hard time containing our giggles when the Outstanding Boy and Girl of the Year were announced.  Boy and girl.  ?  Annie asked, not so quietly, "aren't they considered men and women now?"   

It's neat because instead of sitting in alphabetical order the kids get to sit with their friends and they go in no particular order.  Nate was one of the first 10 graduates announced.  Jack nudged me and asked if we could go ahead and leave.  ?!  We did not.

I hope we didn't annoy the people around us too much.  Jack and the kids did the wave. Well, several versions of the wave.  It was pretty funny.  After that ran it's course the kids and I decided to clap once for each graduate.  We didn't always have the best timing.  

We're so proud of him!

Nate and Lauren

Nate and the fam - with Brittany, too!

It's all good.  We got to see Nate for a few minutes afterwards.  We didn't stick around too long because Jake had plans and Nate would be leaving for Senior Night festivities.

It will be exciting to see what the future holds for him.  


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