Saturday, May 24, 2014

Public Service Announcement

It's Memorial Day weekend.  Summer begins (well almost, we still have another week of school).  What does that mean to you?  

Hey, Dad!  This is for YOU!  And everyone else, too!

It might be a PSA from the Rhode Island Department of Health at a baseball stadium... but we all need to remember!
It IS important!

And a little reminder for anyone still confused or unsure:  How much sunscreen should I use and how often should I put it on?  To ensure that you get the full SPF of a sunscreen, you need to apply 1 oz – about a shot glass full. Studies show that most people apply only half to a quarter of that amount, which means the actual SPF they have on their body is lower than advertised. During a long day at the beach, one person should use around one half to one quarter of an 8 oz. bottle. Sunscreens should be applied 30 minutes before sun exposure to allow the ingredients to fully bind to the skin. Reapplication of sunscreen is just as important as putting it on in the first place, so reapply the same amount every two hours. Sunscreens should also be reapplied immediately after swimming, toweling off, or sweating a great deal.

Thanks and I love you!!  


Sunday, May 18, 2014


Yay!  It's over!  All the graduations and parties are done.  While I enjoyed the fanfare it made me realize how much I appreciate peace, quiet and solitude.  It's exhausting to be "on" all the time.  I don't know how people do it.  Seriously!  

Yesterday was busy.  Annie and I ran errands, hit a garage sale fundraiser for Alex Fraser and Braden Hofen.  Alex is a recent graduate from BVH that broke his back while surfing in Mexico over Spring Break.  He is in a rehab hospital in Denver.  Braden is an amazing kid embracing life and surviving cancer.  He and his Mom get to come from from Philly tomorrow after his brother donated bone marrow to fight his MDS.  

I finally got Annie behind the wheel.  Yep, she drove for the first time.  It was... entertaining.  At one point we ventured just outside the parking lot and onto private roads around the parking lot.  She stopped about 10 yards shy of the stop sign.  Not bad.  We were going to make a right turn and I reminded her to use her blinker... and she turned on the windshield wipers.  We had to stop several times because we were both laughing.  All and all, she did great.  Really!
"I got this!"

"Is this too close?"  Yes!
Laugh break!
Yes, the car was at a complete stop.

Next, it was home it get the family and go to a couple graduation parties.  It's so hard to believe we know so many graduates.  

Annie and Morgan, our neighbor.

It's so crazy to this these three are in high school
Annie, Hayden and Nick
If I start looking now I think I can find a picture of them 
on the first day of Kindergarten for their Senior picture board. 

Graduation #2 was today.  We went to Topeka for Heidi Jo's graduation from Shawnee Heights High School.  

Woo Hoo!

Heidi Jo and the kids!

It was a good day!  And I am thankful I have two more years before it's our turn. 


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Worth your time

I stumbled across these articles this morning and they're too good not to share...


What Students Really Need to Hear

I think sometimes we all lose focus, but this puts it into perspective.

I pray we are raising our kids in a way to grow into amazing, strong, good people.  


THIS is just plain AMAZING!

No words needed.  



Friday, May 16, 2014

Graduation Weekend!

Graduation #1!

It was a cool, damp evening but we had an enjoyable time at Nate's graduation.  

We had a hard time containing our giggles when the Outstanding Boy and Girl of the Year were announced.  Boy and girl.  ?  Annie asked, not so quietly, "aren't they considered men and women now?"   

It's neat because instead of sitting in alphabetical order the kids get to sit with their friends and they go in no particular order.  Nate was one of the first 10 graduates announced.  Jack nudged me and asked if we could go ahead and leave.  ?!  We did not.

I hope we didn't annoy the people around us too much.  Jack and the kids did the wave. Well, several versions of the wave.  It was pretty funny.  After that ran it's course the kids and I decided to clap once for each graduate.  We didn't always have the best timing.  

We're so proud of him!

Nate and Lauren

Nate and the fam - with Brittany, too!

It's all good.  We got to see Nate for a few minutes afterwards.  We didn't stick around too long because Jake had plans and Nate would be leaving for Senior Night festivities.

It will be exciting to see what the future holds for him.  


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


There are many things on Facebook other than pictures and updates.  One of those many, many things are quizzes that tell you what kind of house you should live in.  What kind of dog you should own. Your favorite color, based on your characteristics.  Today, I took a quiz that told me my "Power Word."  It's usually a lighthearted, somewhat random thing.  Here is what I got...

Your Power Word Is


You are helpful, selfless, and giving. You truly care about other people, and you want everyone to succeed. You are always willing to pitch in and lend a hand. In fact, you often help without being asked. You don't find generosity to be a sacrifice. You like to be of service, and helping makes you feel good. You like to enable others, but you are never an enabler. You only facilitate good things

I was instantly incensed.  To me, enable, conjured up all kind of negative thoughts, thinking directly to the word enabler.  I paused my thought process long enough to read the paragraph description and I realized it was actually pretty accurate.  HOW do they do that? Six random questions, including what's your favorite color - which is orange if you're wondering, and BAM.  It's crazy.   

Last night was Jake's last band concert of his Sophomore year of high school.  I don't let myself get stuck or sucked into the "oh my goodness, only two more years before he graduates" line of thinking. It's two long years away.  Four band seasons - two of marching band and two of concert band.  I will enjoy every minute.  They got the opportunity to work with the composer of one of the pieces they played. His name was Ryan George and he lives outside of Austin, Texas.  It was a interesting to hear the composer talk about each piece.  Mr. George is writing their marching band show.  From what I've heard I expect their marching show to be much more artsy show than in past years.  

Here is a portion of the song Cafe 512, which includes a tuba solo played by Jake.

fingers crossed this works...

My folks were able to come over and enjoy dinner, the concert and a couple games of cards. They spent the night.  We have a new arrangement when it comes to city driving that worked out very well.  I met them in on the west side of Olathe and we parked their car in front of a friend of Jack's.  I picked them up and took them back this morning.

I had a situation this evening that I am not proud of.  Suzy loves riding in the car so I asked if she wanted to go with me when I left to take Annie to youth group tonight in Olathe. Annie's been going with a friend and she always looks forward to it.  Suzy and I drove home and passed right by the dog park.  I did have a pang of guilt as we approached.  I thought about making a quick left turn but decided against it.  Suzy peeked out the window, smiled big and her whole body began to shake with excitement.  I thought, 'Uh oh!'  She looked at me a few times and looked toward the park... I could feel her saying 'COME ON, MOM, let's go for a walk!' and continuing her happy dance with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth.  As she realized I wasn't going to stop her body became very still - almost rigid.  She looked in my direction, gave me a little shrug with her eyebrows, whimpered and laid down.  Sadness filled the car.  She was truly the most pitiful site.  Her big eyes looked at me and I could feel her saying, 'you should be ashamed of yourself.'  Believe me, I learned my lesson.  Next time I will turn and avoid this whole scenario.  I gave her a treat when we got home, trying to make up for my mistake and she was almost reluctant to take it.  I said, "Ok, Suzy, I get the point.  I made a big mistake.  I'm so sorry."  At that she gave me one, single wag of her tail and took the treat.  Wow, I didn't think she could make me feel even worst but I was wrong.  I spoiled her with a good belly rub and I think she's forgiven me. 

The kids have 11 days of school left.  Prayers are appreciated to stay focused and end on a high note.

And I found this today and it's too good not to share.


Thursday, May 8, 2014


Tonight, was the Band Banquet.  We had dinner catered by On The Border - the chicken was really spicy.  We watched a year in review video - including several very good and/or funny pictures of Jake.  The directors each had an opportunity to talk.  Short, sweet and to the point.  They sang praises.  Many, many praises.  They handed out awards and announced those that earned a letter.  I was surprised and so, so happy when Jake's name was read.  He earned his second year letter.  I tried to take a picture but he was sitting across the room and it was awful.

I warned you...
he's peeking around the girl in the red dress.

Both directors agreed the year has gone much better than they expected.  The Director came from Broken Arrow, with an impeccable reputation, but she said they don't hold a candle to the talent and support she's received here.  The Assistant Director was fresh out of college and student taught at West last year.  He recently heard some horror story from fellow graduates, making him even more thankful.  The entire band family - students and booster club - made it a positive experience.   We are lucky to have them!

I was going to take a picture afterwards but Jake was in a hurry to get home and we stayed to help clean up.


In other Jake news, he can now easily see over my head.  I am willing to be that he's going to be taller than Jack.  :-)  

15 more days!  Please keep both Jake and Annie in your prayers.  Summer is so close they can taste it but it's too soon to check out.  Their classes are too hard for that!  


Sunday, May 4, 2014

BBQ, sunshine and art!

It's Legacy BBQ weekend!  The sun is shining.  The birds are singing.

Friday night was spent prepping the meat:  hacking off the extra fat and separating the brisket flat from the point - which makes burnt ends.  We had three willing and able helpers.  It made the work much quicker and we were heading home a little after 9 p.m.

Jack usually tries to sleep in on Saturday but this week, when he really needed it, it didn't work out.  I woke up to the sound of a movie he was watching.  I got up and he did go back to sleep for a little while.  Annie and I picked up a friend of hers then met Sue and headed to the Brookside Art Fair.  It was very nice.  Fancy.  Expensive.  I saw many things I liked. Some I loved.  And some that, well, I didn't quite understand the concept or the price.  My favorites were Springfield Pottery and Whimsical Stitched Art.  We wandered across the street to the "new" dime store.  A woman passed us saying, "I have sensory overload after being in that store!"  While it was a bit like walking back in time to the dime stores of yesteryear, they had a little bit of anything you would possibly need or want.  Sue found fabric paint and some other art supplies, as well as a few other finds.  Annie and Astolfo walked up to the science/toy store.  We tried to decide on lunch but decided rather than fight the crowds we would go somewhere else.   After a quick bite to eat we parted ways and I took the kids home.  
I touched base with Jack and he was feeling rushed and behind schedule.  He still had a bit of shopping to do, so I took that list and he headed off to the church to get things started.  He has a pretty strict schedule that he follows, hour by hour.  I got in a quick nap before going to the grocery store and Sam's Club.  The hardest part was deciding what meats to buy for the cookout.  Astolfo was joining us so I asked for requests.  All I got back was "he's unopinionated."  I asked if he wanted liver or tongue and after the initial response of "Ew!" He quickly decided he wanted "something normal."  I had to laugh.  I got a variety, brats and chicken breast.  

I double checked the list Jack had left for me, got the kids picked up and we were back on the road by 5:15 p.m.  The cookout/potluck started at 6:30 p.m.  I took chips, dip, carrots, celery and peanut butter, bbq baked 3 beans, and ice cream cups.  Jack hadn't eaten lunch so as soon as we arrived he put our meat on the grill he had ready and waiting.  We had a good group and lots of food.  Elizabeth brought ribs, not realizing they took several hours.   By the time they were done we had a late arrival looking for food, he didn't bring any.  I joked that Liz should just add it to his tab when he ate almost every scrap we had left.  It was great fellowship and enjoyed by all.  The kids and I left around 10:30.  The last of the group left at midnight.  Jack slept, a little.  

I woke up, wide awake at 4:45 a.m.  Jack's never spent the night before the BBQ at church alone and I just had a weird feeling something wasn't right.  I didn't want to wake him - if he was sleeping - so I sent Jack a text at 4:53 a.m.  "you doing ok?"  Then about 15 minutes later, when I hadn't heard from him, I sent another asking him to call me when he was awake.  He called me at 5:57 a.m.  It seemed like forever!  I asked if he needed help or if I should come earlier.  He said he was fine.   I tried and tried but I didn't go back to sleep.  Suzy must have sensed I was awake because moments later she thought it should be breakfast time.  She can be very persuasive.  And whiny.  (insert eye-roll)  She was a happy dog, sawing logs by the time I finished getting ready.        

As we were walking out Jack called as asked me to bring gauze and tape... ?  Uh oh!  

We made two quick stops and arrived with sausage biscuit and iced tea with lemon in hand to find Jack had nearly cut off the tip of his left thumb.  Pastor Howard had helped out with a band-aid but it wasn't doing the trick.  Howard followed it up with a story that made Jack light headed, sweaty and nauseous.  I never actually looked at the injury.  I just caught a glimpse and that's all I needed.   I don't know if his thumb nail saved it or ... well, it will be interesting to see how big a scar he gets.  He kept a blue glove on which provided protection and a little pressure.

The BBQ was a huge success.  Several people said we should rename it "the Diemer's feed the church BBQ."  :-)  It is far from a family affair and we are always thankful we have LOTS of help.  It's hard to believe this was the fifth year Jack has done it.  

I am thankful for the gorgeous weather.  It was a perfect weekend - weather wise, that is.  I am looking forward to a quiet evening and week.  

Jack's Mom's surgery went very well.  She was dismissed yesterday and is recovering at home.  Her pain was much less than her gallbladder, which was a very good thing.  Prayers for a quick recovery would be appreciated.

Also, please keep the kids in your prayers.  Only 19 more days of school and they need to be focused and present.  Annie's friend Astolfo will be moving to Phoenix, the first of June. She has had so many good friends move away... and it's never easy.  


BBQ cookout and potluck!

And watching boys climb trees...  -->

Jake and Astolfo
"clearing dead limbs"

Spending a late night at the church!