Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow day - #2

Yesterday we had a huge snow storm.  Here are a few photos starting yesterday morning around 9 a.m. and ending this morning around the same time.

I didn't put out a ruler but I think we got close to a feet.  Here is a picture from my friend, Christy.
It's official, the ruler is gone.
12" of snow!

Jack and Jake took care of snow removal...

The kids spent time playing games, doing homework and annoying each other.  

I seem to have caught a cold or something and am feeling icky today.  I'm pushing the liquids and trying to stay ahead of it with medication.  My voice is an octave lower.  The night before last I spent more time coughing than sleeping.  Thankfully, that was not the case last night.  I slept hard!    

Yesterday I made homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch and enchiladas casserole for dinner.  I was thinking today would be leftover day but Jack is working from home again and made the kids homemade pizza rolls for lunch.  I hope they realize how spoiled they are.  :-)

Time for more meds and a nap.  I hope you are staying warm and healthy.


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