Monday, February 17, 2014

Music: good for the soul (so are chocolate covered strawberries)

Friday was a crazy day.  Yes, it was Valentine's Day but I was feeling anything but loving.  I had a very stressful morning.  The kids at therapy group were in rare form - LOTS of tears, screams, and arguing.  But there was lots of learning going on, too.  I got home to find Jake anything but ready to go.  He had assured me he just needed to put his clothes in a suitcase.  !?  That was not the case.  Honestly, you'd think he'd never packed his own bag for an overnight - which he has.  After practicing some deep breathing, I found a suitcase and made sure everything was packed.  Jake needed to do a bit of practicing, but was unable to because he'd left his tuba in my trunk, so that was next on the agenda.  I don't know when the "rules" changed but I was always taught to warm up by doing scales before starting on a piece of music.  Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut, but I asked and the response generated more deep breathing and a prayer from me.  Finally, we were on the road and headed for the Westin at Crown Center.  Jake was selected to participate in the UMKC Honor Band Festival.  I dropped off the kids, along with tuba and suitcase, at the main entrance and left to park the car.  I entered the parking garage and... it was a labyrinth.  I didn't realize they were connected but ended up in the Crown Center garage.  I found an entrance and hustled to find the kids.  About that time Jake realized he'd forgotten his music in the car, so I found a place for Annie to sit, parked Jake's tuba and off I went.  Of course, I was feeling a little anxious but I made my way in record time.  We got him checked in and he took his suitcase up to his room and hung up his dress shirt and slacks. Annie and I took the tuba and found the warm up room.  It was a little crazy - lots of people - lots of instruments of every shape and size.  Did I mention I was already anxious?  Jake returned but only stayed long enough to realize he'd forgotten his music stand in the room.  Annie and I were in a line to sign up for his audition -an error on my part) because it only gave him 15 minutes to warm up and find his audition room.  He found us and graciously excused us.  :-)          

Annie and I made our way down to the Plaza to Panache Chocolatier for my Valentine's surprise. My sweet friend, Julie and her husband are managing partners in the business and I wanted to support them. We got a chance to see Julie and she said she had picked out our berries.  And Annie found a little something, too.  She is partial to anything little with chocolate and peanut butter.  

Chocolate Covered Strawberries
and Merlot Sea Salt Caramels
from Panache on the Plaza

From there we picked up Annie's friend, Nia, and headed to the mall.  It was supposed to be a quick trip.  They said they were going to one store to get a birthday present for a friend.  Annie tends to be indecisive and I was hoping Nia could help speed up the process. I waited in the car. I waited.  And waited.  And 54 minutes later they strolled out with a bag full of goodies, Annie had Auntie Anne's Pretzels and Nia had a drink from Starbucks. "Sorry we're late but we did a LOT of walking."  ?!  I tried not to be annoyed but I was.  I dropped the girls off at Nia's house.  I would return to get Annie at 10:00 p.m.

By the time I got home I was spent.  I was exhausted.  I was feeling sick.  My head was pounding. There was no way I way I was going out to dinner with Jack.  Instead he got take out and a movie.  It was a very nice, very quiet evening.  It was perfect!  I just wish I hadn't been in a such a foul mood.  Jack's company, the comedy and cold medicine definitely helped.  

The evening ended on a high note.  Jake called and said he made 2nd chair in Wind Symphony, the highest level band at the festival.  His friend, Evan, who has outstanding (freak of nature) tuba skills got 1st chair.  There were 9 other high school tuba players. What an honor!  Jake really has a lot of natural ability and and he works hard, so it nice that he was recognized for it.  We are so proud of him!

Saturday, Annie had marathon from 9-3.  Marathon is a long rehearsal the weekend before the musical starts.  She will be moving sets on and off the stage in complete darkness.  Annie is going through a phase - I'm not sure if she's going through a growth spurt - but she is very clumsy.  So far, fingers crossed, she hasn't hurt herself.  ;-)  She's having a great time.  And she came home exhausted.

I was feeling a bit crummy all day and didn't get much accomplished.  Jack had made himself a to do list and was checking things off left and right.  I was relieved someone was productive.  We got a call from Jake saying he really wanted his suit jacket, a white shirt and tie.  It was no easy feat to find his white shirt and purple tie, but we did and took it down to him.  He had just enough time to run it up to his room before his evening rehearsal started.  

We returned home to find Annie doing what she loves...
"no pictures, please"
This was how I got around that...

Sunday morning I didn't go to church.  I had a rough night - coughing and couldn't get comfortable. I had decided in the middle of the night I would go to the clinic at Walgreen's as soon they opened.  Did you know they take appointments now?  I didn't.  I showed up at 9:50 a.m. to find there were 18 people ahead of me.  18!?  At 20 minutes per appointment I was told I probably wouldn't be seen.  ?  Oh, but I could make an appointment for 3:22 p.m., if I wanted.  I spoke to the pharmacist to see if he had any suggestions.  He was very helpful and directed me to Mucinex Sinus-Max Severe Congestion Relief Day and Night and suggested using a Neti pot.  Wow!  I was amazed at the difference.  

My folks came over in the afternoon to join us at Jake's concert at 4:30.  Dad had time for a nap before we left and Mom and I played Farkle.  She won on her last roll.

My parents couldn't remember the last time they were in downtown KC and were to very thankful that Jack was driving.  "We'd get lost for sure!"  Jack and I got a chuckle out of it because I had driven down the night before and he had said almost the same thing.  

The line was already half way down the hallway.  I picked up our tickets and found an empty bench for my parents to sit and wait.  We tried to find Jake without success, he was in the practice room warming up.

We found our seats and were soon blown away.  The music was incredible!  I tried and tried to get the video to upload without success but here are some of the pictures.

Jake was surprised to see Grandma Cate and Grandpa Leon.
It's too bad the music stand covered his smile.

UMKC Honor Band - Wind Symphony

Guest Conductors
Damon S. Tally from The Shenandoah Conservatory (left)
Dr. Robert Carnochan from University of Texas - Austin (right)

And Jake is in the middle on the right.

Playing his heart out.

After the show with two of his biggest fans.

On the way home my Dad asked if Jack used a GPS and he said, "nope, I have Janet!"  I have so many memories of my Dad getting lost in Kansas City, particularly leaving Royals Stadium.  Lol!

We grabbed dinner and spent the evening watching the Olympics.  Jake excused himself to the basement to catch up on some much needed video gaming time.  And Annie spent the evening with friends watching The Walking Dead and celebrating a birthday.  I picked her and several friends up at 11.  It was a long day but definitely eventful.

And my nights sleep was fantastic!  A big thank you to the makers of Mucinex Sinus-Max Severe Congestion Relief Night. 

The kids and I had another day off today, thanks to Presidents Day.  My parents left after a morning game of Farkle.  Mom won again.  Annie got up just in time to see them off.  Jake slept in and then met a friend at the movies this afternoon.  Annie had rehearsal again from 1-4.  

Our day is coming to an end and Jack and Jake are studying algebra while Annie studies for a biology test and I am watching some Olympics.  I already know who won the gold in the Ice Dancing, but I want to see it for myself.  :-)


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