Friday, January 31, 2014

Life Lesson

Jake got a job at Smoke n' Fire.   It's a store on 151st that sells grills, accessories, fireplaces, anything and everything you need and more.  It didn't seem like he liked it very much but he worked Wednesday night.  When he got home I asked when he worked next.  He said, "I dunno."  He was exhausted.  I thought it was odd but I didn't ask any other questions about it.  Today, Jake got a call during school (he didn't answer it and it went to voicemail) it was his boss (imagine angry man with an attitude) saying, 'you didn't show up to work last night.  Are you sure you want this job?'  (I didn't hear the message but Jake said that was the just of it.)  I thought something must have been missed, so I decided to take him by there immediately on our way home from school.  I gave him some motherly advice: do not say you're sorry, apologize.  Assure them you want the job.  Ask when you're working again.  Jake went in... he called me to say it might be a while, the guy he needed to talk to was with a customer.  After a few minutes it appeared the customer was going to need more attention, so Jake was directed to someone else. Jake returned to the car saying he needed to be there at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.  No other information was provided.  Ok, my Mom senses were seeing red flags all over the place BUT I tried to be optimistic.  

Jack and I talked about what hours they had put on the application - pretty much everyday - and Jack commented there was no spot for how many hours Jake was available to work per week.  So, what I have pieced together and assume (yes, I hate that word but it fits) is that they assumed Jake only put down the hours he wanted to work.  Period.  Jack and I talked again and decided 12 hours/week would be plenty. Monday/Wednesday from 4-7 and Saturday six hours (they could decide exactly when).  Jack took Jake back to the store when he got home from work.  Jack went in with him for moral support.  "The guy" was not available so Jake talked to someone else.  Come to find out, all employees work everyday.  IF they agreed to Jake's schedule he would be the only employee with a schedule.  ?  Weird, huh?  Jack and I were working the concession stand tonight at the high school, and Jake called us on our way there.  "The guy" left him a message, "we'll have to pass."  ?  That was it.  He didn't talk to Jake.  He wasn't willing to work with him at all.  ?  While I'm disappointed that it didn't work out, I'm glad that Jake isn't going to be working some place that would take advantage of him.  It sounds like the store is a hot mess.  I know it's a wasted emotion, but I was really angry.  I am getting over it.  I think Jake is relieved.  It didn't seem like anyone there really liked their job and it was definitely not a positive work environment for Jake.  I hope that Jake realizes that Jack and I support him and he does not need to work in a hostile work environment and tolerate being bullied by his boss.  I would love to say that was the lesson learned in this ordeal.  There are other jobs out there... he just has to find the right one.   I trust that God will lead him to the right one.  :-)

As you know I've been trying to decide what my future holds.  I am so very grateful to Jack for supporting me, whatever I decide.  On Facebook I saw, What Career Should You Actually Have? and couldn't resist the temptation.  

What Career Should You Actually Have?

  1. You got: Vice President

    You are a doer, you know how to get things done. You’re half analytical, half big thinker, which is what makes you so valuable to any team. You love a good challenge, and are excited by possibility. Go get ‘em, tiger because at this point you’re pretty much unstoppable.

Ok, at first glance Vice President seems pretty ridiculous - to me.  I am no Vice President, but as I read through the description, I have to admit it's pretty close.  I'm just like a Vice President, I'm all about supporting others.  I get to DO things, using logic, reasoning and creativity.  And I do love a challenge.  :-) 

Today, Marena asked if I would be interested in working summer session classes - 8 weeks - six classes on Fridays.  Three morning classes with Marena/Sarah and three afternoon classes with Mary/Taylor.  It didn't take me long to tell her yes.  :-)  

One decision at a time, right?

Jack was asked today if his Passport is up-t0-date.  That is exciting!  I don't know where he's headed but it's fun to dream.  Oh wait, he does have a trip planned at the end of the month to Manhattan.  No, not NYC - Kansas.  He's going to interview interns for the summer positions. AND he gets to spend the night.  ;-)  

Annie has been busy in her sketch book, drawing and painting.  And she's enjoying having an art class as her last class every day.  Drawing I on Mon/Wed and Ceramics on Tues/Thurs and both on Friday.  She is now identifying herself as an art kid.  In like Jake is a band kid. I'm glad she's finding her place.

Jake had Pep Band tonight.  He was the only tuba there.  The director had sent out an email saying they might have to cancel if not enough kids showed up in the bad weather.  As it turned out the band outnumbered the student fans from both schools.  :-)  I'm glad Jake was able to go.

Stay warm and healthy!


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