Sunday, January 26, 2014

More than just the weather

It was a beautiful day!  It got up to 62 degrees - maybe even a little warmer.  Jack left to run an errand at 6:40, the temperature was 52 degrees.  Then, all of a sudden the winds started - crazy, wild, blustery winds. The gusts were so strong that it blew the back cover up on Jack's truck on his way home.  The temperature dropped 9 degrees in less than 30 minutes. It was like the bottom fell out and the temp has now to 36 degrees - less than an hour and a half later (it's 8:26, right now).  CrAzY!  They expect it to be -1 degrees in the morning with an unspeakable wind chill.  Temps that cold make for CRAZY preschoolers!  I hope the weather man is wrong.  :-)  I got chilly and decided to put my coat back on while I blog. I hope you are staying warm.  

Enrollment for next year is in full swing and the kids are busy trying to figure out what classes they want to take.  Jake is on the fence about taking German III.  So far, his line up look HARD!  Pre Calc-Trig, Physics... off the top of my head.  Annie will be taking Latin II, AP European History, ugh... I can't go on.  I'm amazing and delighted at how stinking smart my kids are.  ;-)  I hope they are able to balance their schedules with some fun classes, too.

Jake decided Saturday afternoon that he really wanted to find a job.  Jack had seen a help wanted sign at a shop down the street so they stopped by.  Jake filled out an application and had to take a math test.  He will be going back tomorrow after school for a working interview. It's an opportunity for Jake to make sure he likes it and them to make sure he's a good fit. He's excited.  :-) 

Yesterday, Annie had a great day.  She is in the musical crew and they had a work session for set design.  After that she and some friends went and saw Frozen.  After that she went to a friends for less than an hour before I picked her up and took her to babysit until 8.  Busy, busy, busy.  She came home and Facetimed (video chatted) with her friend Grace, who moved to Maryland.  They laughed and chatted for a long time and Annie even played her ukulele and sang a bit for her.  I admit it, I was jealous, she hasn't played and sang for me yet.  Deep sigh.  Until then I will enjoy her music from afar. :-)

Jake also had a pretty fun day, yesterday.  He did homework/studied then spent the rest of the afternoon-evening with a friend.  They played video games, went on a walk-about, and watched a movie after dinner. He hasn't gotten to spend much time with this friend, so I think they both thoroughly enjoyed their time. Jake got some good study time in today.  He has two big tests this week in Algebra II and Chemistry.  Come on, Jake, I know you have it in ya!  Show off your smarts, Buddy!!  

Jack continues to love his job.  I am so very thankful for that!  :-)

I continue to be so very grateful to my friends, Marena and Sarah.  I am in complete awe of these two amazing women.  I work with them on Friday mornings.  They think I'm the calming influence in their groups but I believe we have strength in numbers.  :-)    

We are watching the Grammy's tonight.  Wow!  There are so many talented performers.  It's like going to an amazing concert.  We are loving it.

I know I still need to add pictures, but here are a few recent ones. 

Jack got home from work the other night and asked us all to come out and admire it.

Jake got his letter jacket for Christmas.
And all the patches are finally on it.
Cool, huh?

Last night Annie was chatting with Grace-
and neither one wanted me to take their picture.
I tried, though.

Last week my niece, Heidi Jo was named Scholar Athlete of the Week in Topeka.  My folks stayed up to watch it on the 10:00 o'clock news.  And from the sound of it they almost missed it.  ;-)  I'm sure glad they didn't. 
Way to go, Heidi Jo! 
Suzy is getting a little grayer...

And carpet selection is coming along.
I'm hoping we have new carpet within the next month.

Annie is taking a drawing class...

She loves watercolors.

And here's a happy little tree,
inspired by Bob Ross.


Yay!  I got done before the Emmy's finished.  :-)

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