Friday, January 17, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS! And Happy New Year! And...

The celebrating is over.  It's time to reflect.  I am so grateful for my family.  I am so blessed.  I'm not referring to the presents I received, but the gift that Jesus gave to all of us.  It's overwhelming.

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Christmas Eve we spent with our church family.  Jack, the kids and I greeted and it was truly enjoyable to see everyone.  The service was packed and was filled with gratitude and love.  My absolutely favorite part is standing quietly in the candlelight.  I often have a hard time singing, I just stand in awe and soak it in.

We enjoyed a quiet Christmas morning.  We opened presents and ate breakfast.  Jake went off almost immediately to play a new game and Jack and I got sucked into a Hallmark Christmas movie - Christmas in Conway.  It was SO good!  And I cried.  But Jack said it wasn't as good Christmas Blessing (if you remember Christmas Shoes, this one has the same characters many years later) that we had watched a few days before.  Jack had his fill of the Hallmark Channel.

Because of the movie we got a late start to Topeka, where we were supposed to have lunch with my folks and spend the day.  We didn't leave home until 12:30!  We knew more family was coming later to join us, but I didn't think they'd beat us there.  I was mortified.  I was embarrassed.  When we pulled up to find Marlene and crew unloading their truck.  We walked in to find the table set for six - not 11, (Marlene, Dave, Grandma Corinne, Dan (Dave's brother) and his wife Marcia) but they had already eaten, so they sat in the living room while we ate our lunch in the kitchen.  Thankfully, Marlene has been watched the same Christmas movie and knew exactly how it could suck you in and not let go.  Marcia had spent a night with Marlene and I think that's all they did was watch the Hallmark Channel.  :-)

D.J. and baby Sophie joined us and we enjoyed our afternoon opening gifts, eating and playing games. I got to feed Sophie and put her to sleep while watching a group played Balderdash.  Ah!  There is nothing like having a baby sleep on your shoulder.  She is adorable!

We had left Suzy at home, and left before dinner.  In all honesty, we had snacked most of the afternoon so no one was hungry.  

We had planned on spending a day at Snow Creek during winter break, but that didn't happen.  The weather was unseasonably warm.  All the lights and decorations were taken down and I was able to get everything sorted and organized.  I did a bit of Christmas shopping for NEXT year.  I created a spreadsheet (so I remember what I purchased) and have everything labeled and packed away.  I have to say, I'm really excited about what I purchased! 

We spent New Year's Eve with our neighbors.  Annie babysat for my friend and joined us around 10:30. We were watching the movie World War Z in 3D.  I'm not a fan of zombies... and there were a LOT of zombies in the movie.  Jack thought it was funny because I screamed several times.  

Annie has watched The Walking Dead for a while.  I think she may have missed the first couple seasons but she watched those on Netflix over the summer.  There was a marathon on and somehow she got Jack sucked into it.  It was all out Walking Dead - palooza!  And to think we STILL have 17 episodes waiting on our DVR to be watched.  

If there was anything good that came out of the zombie-palooza, it was that I remembered how much I love to listen to music.  I danced and sang and found my happy place in our scary, dark, zombie-filled house.  :-)

I started this post long ago... I don't remember exactly when.  I have a lot of ground to cover and sadly I have forgotten some details.  I apologize.  

Annie has spent a LOT of time playing her ukuleles over the break.  It's amazing what that girl has been able to teach herself.  She made a new friend, Nia, that also plays ukulele.  One day when she was here Jack commented that he had noticed when they are together they put away their electronics and phones and just enjoy spending time together and playing. She actually spends time everyday playing - in her room.  I am just waiting for the day when she comes down and entertains us.  For now, I will enjoy her music from a distance. 

Jake is looking for a job.  He just wants something a few hours a week but that might hopefully turn into more during the summer.  Nothing yet.  

Our first day back to school was a... SNOW DAY!  It was so bitter cold I was thankful I didn't have to do car duty.  

The new semester has started off GREAT!  Both kids changed their schedules and, so far, think their teachers are very good.  They were supposed to take Drawing I together, but Jake dropped it and picked up Graphics I.  He also has different Chemistry and Algebra II teachers!  YAY!  Annie dropped a computer class and picked up Ceramics.  They both like their schedules, with core classes spread out nicely.  Annie did a bit juggling of her schedule and switched to better teachers. She didn't tell anyone that was the reason for all the switching, only accepting it as a happy accident.  ;-)

Jack's new job is going great.  It is so nice to talk to Jack about his day and get the feeling that he not only is productive but self satisfied.  He has been reading a book about the art of managing and already using much of what he's learned.  He's also getting lots of praise and it sounds like he is impressing many with his knowledge and ideas.   

My semester has started off with a few growing pains.  We have a new students to adjust to and the class dynamics have changed.  It's so important to roll with the punches but when you add student digressions from the break it makes for challenges.  It's nothing we can't handle together.  I really do love our team.

Annie started confirmation.  

We have gotten our house measured (twice) and are looking into getting new carpeting.  It's very exciting!  Soon we will have new carpeting in the living room, dining room, family room, on the stairs and the upstairs hallway.  Yay!  I can't wait!!

We celebrated our 17th Wedding Anniversary.   Wow, 17 years already.  That seems crazy.  

Yesterday, I tripped and fell down on the playground.  There was a collective gasp as I went down then when they realized I was laughing at myself everyone joined in.  You could say I embraced the fall.  I did not fall on my face, I did a little twirl and landed on my back with my arms spread out on each side.  It felt like it was in slow motion.  Several ladies commented they wished they'd seen the whole thing.  Katie said, "I did and I'm so happy I got to see it!" Kim said, it was the "cutest thing I've ever seen."  I suppose it's part of my job to entertain the troops.     

Today, I started working with my friends Marena and Sarah.  Marena created a company called Bringing Therapy Home and does in-home speech therapy.  Sarah, is an Occupational Therapist and together they do therapy groups - motor, language and social groups.  They asked me to work their 8-week session.  I help with the tough kids, some are nonverbal, some have behaviors but it's something I'm good.  AND Marena pays me in compliments. No, seriously, it's a paying gig.  ;-)  The morning flew by!  

There is a lot of talk about what will happen next year when the center opens.  All the preschool classes will be in one building with the exception of six classes that will stay at two elementary schools. The center will be located at the top of the hill near us on 143rd, in the transformed church building.  I could easily walk to work but I'm just not sure that's where I'm suppose to be.  I have been doing a bit of soul searching.   

Jack and I are on our way out to look at carpet, so I will add pictures tomorrow.


We inspired each other, not by the things we say but in what we do.  

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