Friday, August 7, 2015

What day is it?

It's Saturday.  No, it's Friday.  Jack took half a day off, so that only adds to my confusion. What day of the month is it?  I have to look at my phone.  It's been a busy couple weeks. Actually, ever since Jake left on the band leadership retreat it's been a whirlwind.  I think we've had dinner as a family once since then.  Once.  The retreat started July 22nd!  It's been more than sixteen days ago! ?! What the heck!

A few weeks ago Jack said something about the kids being gone so much and it won't be a big deal when they finally leave home.  They're just getting us ready for the quiet and solitude.  I do think it will get us ready... but I don't think I will be prepared for that day.

What we are suffering from most at this point in time is sleep deprivation.  (Maybe that's why I can't keep track of the date.  ?!)  I decided several years ago that I would wait up until the kids are home, safe and sound.  It's not that I don't trust the kids.  I do. I can count on one hand the nights I have fallen asleep on the couch... try as I might to stay awake.  I think those times were either late night concerts or babysitting gigs.  I'm not exactly sure why I do it. Maybe because I can.  I had a conversation with some friends about whether or not that will continue when Jake turns 18.  My answer - yes.  It makes for tough morning but maybe some day the kids will appreciate this as one of the many little things I do.  Simply because I can.

A year ago I was in Colorado.  It seems so strange and sad that I haven't made it back in over a year. It's the longest I've ever gone without a visit West.  My sister is attending a training class this weekend and my Dad made the journey out with her.  I admit it, I'm jealous.  I wish I could have gone but the timing wasn't right.  

I need to be here right now.

Last night, Jake and I attended orientation at CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies) where Jake will be taking a 3 hour Filmmaking class this year.  He will have to dress in business casual attire.  No jeans, no t-shirts, no athletic shoes.  It sounds pretty involved and he's very excited about this opportunity. He will be earning college credit through Stephans College in Columbia, Missouri.  Second semester he will intern at an area business.  And at the end of the year they have the opportunity to submit their works to various film festivals and the whole department has a screening of final projects at an area movie theater.  How cool is that!?  

Today, was the last day of band camp for Jake.  He is very excited about the progress they are making and anticipating how the show will end.  I think they've only learned the first three parts.  The tuba's were doing great in the sectional competition.  Each section decides on a theme each day and they get points based on the number of members that come dressed appropriately.  Tubas had Halloween day, wig day, Hawaiian day, school spirit, and black out day to mention a few.  As of last night they were tied with the color guard for first place.  Jake learned this morning guard planned to dress like the tubas today... so they made the quick decision to dress like the guard girls.  Jake took compression pants, neon shorty shorts and a tank top.  The color guard won by one point.  A couple of the tubas were misbehaving so the section lost some points today.  Jake wasn't too disappointed, "it was only for candy."  I think that's the first time I've ever heard him not disappointed about missing out on candy.  
Tomorrow is Peggy's funeral.  Lisa is still in disbelief.  

Jake's home early!  

Sleep well!


Our task must be to free ourselves...
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures and 
the whole of nature and its beauty.
 - Albert Einstein

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