Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Last First Day

Wednesday, August 12, 2015.  Jake's last first day of school.  Annie's first day of her Junior year.  I begged for the kids to let me take pictures.  This is what I got...

First one.
(Same look...)


When I asked, "How do you feel about school starting?"

The winner.

Jake had a GREAT day.  He is really going to enjoy CAPS, his music classes AND English.  

Annie drove to school for the first time.  And I missed the photo op.  Bummer!  Annie came home with homework.  ALREADY.  And she came home stressed out.  I'm not sure if it was more homework or traffic related.  Her homework consisted of AP English Language Arts and Pre Calc.  She even asked Jack for help with her math.  She is exhausted!  

Traffic is going to be an issue for a while at school.  There are over 400 freshman and it seems like most of them are being driven to school by their parents.  Add to that the school has new traffic patterns for parent drop off and it's a whole new brand of crazy.  Annie said she knows several people that left for school at their "usual time" and arrived 30 minutes late.  The kids both left for school at 7:00 a.m. and will be for a while.  Annie basically ran out to her car right after school and got home without any problems.  She has friends that live much closer to school and got stuck in the same 30 minute stand still traffic on the way home.  

In other news, Pilot continues to enjoy being a puppy.  

Needless to say, all bedroom and bathroom doors are to be kept closed.  And his training continues.  Class is going pretty well, we just need to keep at it.  It's a good thing he's cute!


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