Friday, January 31, 2014

Life Lesson

Jake got a job at Smoke n' Fire.   It's a store on 151st that sells grills, accessories, fireplaces, anything and everything you need and more.  It didn't seem like he liked it very much but he worked Wednesday night.  When he got home I asked when he worked next.  He said, "I dunno."  He was exhausted.  I thought it was odd but I didn't ask any other questions about it.  Today, Jake got a call during school (he didn't answer it and it went to voicemail) it was his boss (imagine angry man with an attitude) saying, 'you didn't show up to work last night.  Are you sure you want this job?'  (I didn't hear the message but Jake said that was the just of it.)  I thought something must have been missed, so I decided to take him by there immediately on our way home from school.  I gave him some motherly advice: do not say you're sorry, apologize.  Assure them you want the job.  Ask when you're working again.  Jake went in... he called me to say it might be a while, the guy he needed to talk to was with a customer.  After a few minutes it appeared the customer was going to need more attention, so Jake was directed to someone else. Jake returned to the car saying he needed to be there at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.  No other information was provided.  Ok, my Mom senses were seeing red flags all over the place BUT I tried to be optimistic.  

Jack and I talked about what hours they had put on the application - pretty much everyday - and Jack commented there was no spot for how many hours Jake was available to work per week.  So, what I have pieced together and assume (yes, I hate that word but it fits) is that they assumed Jake only put down the hours he wanted to work.  Period.  Jack and I talked again and decided 12 hours/week would be plenty. Monday/Wednesday from 4-7 and Saturday six hours (they could decide exactly when).  Jack took Jake back to the store when he got home from work.  Jack went in with him for moral support.  "The guy" was not available so Jake talked to someone else.  Come to find out, all employees work everyday.  IF they agreed to Jake's schedule he would be the only employee with a schedule.  ?  Weird, huh?  Jack and I were working the concession stand tonight at the high school, and Jake called us on our way there.  "The guy" left him a message, "we'll have to pass."  ?  That was it.  He didn't talk to Jake.  He wasn't willing to work with him at all.  ?  While I'm disappointed that it didn't work out, I'm glad that Jake isn't going to be working some place that would take advantage of him.  It sounds like the store is a hot mess.  I know it's a wasted emotion, but I was really angry.  I am getting over it.  I think Jake is relieved.  It didn't seem like anyone there really liked their job and it was definitely not a positive work environment for Jake.  I hope that Jake realizes that Jack and I support him and he does not need to work in a hostile work environment and tolerate being bullied by his boss.  I would love to say that was the lesson learned in this ordeal.  There are other jobs out there... he just has to find the right one.   I trust that God will lead him to the right one.  :-)

As you know I've been trying to decide what my future holds.  I am so very grateful to Jack for supporting me, whatever I decide.  On Facebook I saw, What Career Should You Actually Have? and couldn't resist the temptation.  

What Career Should You Actually Have?

  1. You got: Vice President

    You are a doer, you know how to get things done. You’re half analytical, half big thinker, which is what makes you so valuable to any team. You love a good challenge, and are excited by possibility. Go get ‘em, tiger because at this point you’re pretty much unstoppable.

Ok, at first glance Vice President seems pretty ridiculous - to me.  I am no Vice President, but as I read through the description, I have to admit it's pretty close.  I'm just like a Vice President, I'm all about supporting others.  I get to DO things, using logic, reasoning and creativity.  And I do love a challenge.  :-) 

Today, Marena asked if I would be interested in working summer session classes - 8 weeks - six classes on Fridays.  Three morning classes with Marena/Sarah and three afternoon classes with Mary/Taylor.  It didn't take me long to tell her yes.  :-)  

One decision at a time, right?

Jack was asked today if his Passport is up-t0-date.  That is exciting!  I don't know where he's headed but it's fun to dream.  Oh wait, he does have a trip planned at the end of the month to Manhattan.  No, not NYC - Kansas.  He's going to interview interns for the summer positions. AND he gets to spend the night.  ;-)  

Annie has been busy in her sketch book, drawing and painting.  And she's enjoying having an art class as her last class every day.  Drawing I on Mon/Wed and Ceramics on Tues/Thurs and both on Friday.  She is now identifying herself as an art kid.  In like Jake is a band kid. I'm glad she's finding her place.

Jake had Pep Band tonight.  He was the only tuba there.  The director had sent out an email saying they might have to cancel if not enough kids showed up in the bad weather.  As it turned out the band outnumbered the student fans from both schools.  :-)  I'm glad Jake was able to go.

Stay warm and healthy!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

More than just the weather

It was a beautiful day!  It got up to 62 degrees - maybe even a little warmer.  Jack left to run an errand at 6:40, the temperature was 52 degrees.  Then, all of a sudden the winds started - crazy, wild, blustery winds. The gusts were so strong that it blew the back cover up on Jack's truck on his way home.  The temperature dropped 9 degrees in less than 30 minutes. It was like the bottom fell out and the temp has now to 36 degrees - less than an hour and a half later (it's 8:26, right now).  CrAzY!  They expect it to be -1 degrees in the morning with an unspeakable wind chill.  Temps that cold make for CRAZY preschoolers!  I hope the weather man is wrong.  :-)  I got chilly and decided to put my coat back on while I blog. I hope you are staying warm.  

Enrollment for next year is in full swing and the kids are busy trying to figure out what classes they want to take.  Jake is on the fence about taking German III.  So far, his line up look HARD!  Pre Calc-Trig, Physics... off the top of my head.  Annie will be taking Latin II, AP European History, ugh... I can't go on.  I'm amazing and delighted at how stinking smart my kids are.  ;-)  I hope they are able to balance their schedules with some fun classes, too.

Jake decided Saturday afternoon that he really wanted to find a job.  Jack had seen a help wanted sign at a shop down the street so they stopped by.  Jake filled out an application and had to take a math test.  He will be going back tomorrow after school for a working interview. It's an opportunity for Jake to make sure he likes it and them to make sure he's a good fit. He's excited.  :-) 

Yesterday, Annie had a great day.  She is in the musical crew and they had a work session for set design.  After that she and some friends went and saw Frozen.  After that she went to a friends for less than an hour before I picked her up and took her to babysit until 8.  Busy, busy, busy.  She came home and Facetimed (video chatted) with her friend Grace, who moved to Maryland.  They laughed and chatted for a long time and Annie even played her ukulele and sang a bit for her.  I admit it, I was jealous, she hasn't played and sang for me yet.  Deep sigh.  Until then I will enjoy her music from afar. :-)

Jake also had a pretty fun day, yesterday.  He did homework/studied then spent the rest of the afternoon-evening with a friend.  They played video games, went on a walk-about, and watched a movie after dinner. He hasn't gotten to spend much time with this friend, so I think they both thoroughly enjoyed their time. Jake got some good study time in today.  He has two big tests this week in Algebra II and Chemistry.  Come on, Jake, I know you have it in ya!  Show off your smarts, Buddy!!  

Jack continues to love his job.  I am so very thankful for that!  :-)

I continue to be so very grateful to my friends, Marena and Sarah.  I am in complete awe of these two amazing women.  I work with them on Friday mornings.  They think I'm the calming influence in their groups but I believe we have strength in numbers.  :-)    

We are watching the Grammy's tonight.  Wow!  There are so many talented performers.  It's like going to an amazing concert.  We are loving it.

I know I still need to add pictures, but here are a few recent ones. 

Jack got home from work the other night and asked us all to come out and admire it.

Jake got his letter jacket for Christmas.
And all the patches are finally on it.
Cool, huh?

Last night Annie was chatting with Grace-
and neither one wanted me to take their picture.
I tried, though.

Last week my niece, Heidi Jo was named Scholar Athlete of the Week in Topeka.  My folks stayed up to watch it on the 10:00 o'clock news.  And from the sound of it they almost missed it.  ;-)  I'm sure glad they didn't. 
Way to go, Heidi Jo! 
Suzy is getting a little grayer...

And carpet selection is coming along.
I'm hoping we have new carpet within the next month.

Annie is taking a drawing class...

She loves watercolors.

And here's a happy little tree,
inspired by Bob Ross.


Yay!  I got done before the Emmy's finished.  :-)

Monday, January 20, 2014

I even Googled "who is the Patron Saint of Lost Things"

Last Wednesday morning I realized I didn't have my wedding ring on my way to school.  I didn't think too much of it.  One of the girls noticed it and ask where it was.  Another teacher said she had admired it the day before during a meeting.  I started racking my brain immediately, trying to retrace my movements and steps.  When I got home I checked the usual spot - nope.  I checked the kitchen, I had made meat loaf the night before - nope.  I don't wear my ring to bed, so I checked several other spots that I've been known to put it - nope, nope, nope.  I knew it would turn up, so I kept my eyes open and told the family.

Thursday - Jack told the kids if they found it they would get a finders fee.  Money is always a nice incentive.

Friday - I started getting a little nervous.

Saturday - I started to fret.

Sunday - Jack asked for prayers in Sunday school.  I shared that I had said a prayer to Saint Anthony - the Patron Saint of Lost Things.  I was getting desperate.

Last night I didn't get much sleep.  I was anxious, worried, nervous, fearful... a mix emotion.

Today, I got up and decided this was the day I'd find it.  It was laundry day.  Jack had been through most of the laundry at some point, searching pockets.  I wasn't too far into the sorting process and... THERE IT WAS!  I gave a happy scream.  Then a HUGE sigh of relief.  I put it on immediately and I don't know if I'll be taking it off any time soon.  I think maybe I'll just have to get use to wearing it at night.  :-)

The kids have enjoyed their long weekend.  Jake is dreading going back.  Annie is already stressed out.

Annie did go to a concert last night with friends.  They say Panic at the Disco at the Uptown Theater.  She was a little nervous about PCD - Post Concert Depression - but I don't think that will be the case.  There were some real jerks that made for some disappointing moments.  One of her friends had never been to a concert before, so I think... I hope... they made it a good experience for her.  I guess I should say, when I asked Annie last night she said, "it was great!"  So, now I know there had to be some good moments.  And hopefully in her memories, those will out weigh the bad.

It sounds Nebraska Furniture Mart is NOT the place to go to for carpet.  We had already been told by a friend that he had two bad experiences.  Then, we found out installation was more than double than Lowes.  Of course, we will let them do their sales pitch on us but they will have to pull a LOT of rabbits out of their hat to get convince us to give them our business.  We are still waiting for the samples to arrive from Lowes.  

No other news to report from here.  The cold returns, as do our warm coats.  Be safe and stay warm, friends.


Friday, January 17, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS! And Happy New Year! And...

The celebrating is over.  It's time to reflect.  I am so grateful for my family.  I am so blessed.  I'm not referring to the presents I received, but the gift that Jesus gave to all of us.  It's overwhelming.

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Christmas Eve we spent with our church family.  Jack, the kids and I greeted and it was truly enjoyable to see everyone.  The service was packed and was filled with gratitude and love.  My absolutely favorite part is standing quietly in the candlelight.  I often have a hard time singing, I just stand in awe and soak it in.

We enjoyed a quiet Christmas morning.  We opened presents and ate breakfast.  Jake went off almost immediately to play a new game and Jack and I got sucked into a Hallmark Christmas movie - Christmas in Conway.  It was SO good!  And I cried.  But Jack said it wasn't as good Christmas Blessing (if you remember Christmas Shoes, this one has the same characters many years later) that we had watched a few days before.  Jack had his fill of the Hallmark Channel.

Because of the movie we got a late start to Topeka, where we were supposed to have lunch with my folks and spend the day.  We didn't leave home until 12:30!  We knew more family was coming later to join us, but I didn't think they'd beat us there.  I was mortified.  I was embarrassed.  When we pulled up to find Marlene and crew unloading their truck.  We walked in to find the table set for six - not 11, (Marlene, Dave, Grandma Corinne, Dan (Dave's brother) and his wife Marcia) but they had already eaten, so they sat in the living room while we ate our lunch in the kitchen.  Thankfully, Marlene has been watched the same Christmas movie and knew exactly how it could suck you in and not let go.  Marcia had spent a night with Marlene and I think that's all they did was watch the Hallmark Channel.  :-)

D.J. and baby Sophie joined us and we enjoyed our afternoon opening gifts, eating and playing games. I got to feed Sophie and put her to sleep while watching a group played Balderdash.  Ah!  There is nothing like having a baby sleep on your shoulder.  She is adorable!

We had left Suzy at home, and left before dinner.  In all honesty, we had snacked most of the afternoon so no one was hungry.  

We had planned on spending a day at Snow Creek during winter break, but that didn't happen.  The weather was unseasonably warm.  All the lights and decorations were taken down and I was able to get everything sorted and organized.  I did a bit of Christmas shopping for NEXT year.  I created a spreadsheet (so I remember what I purchased) and have everything labeled and packed away.  I have to say, I'm really excited about what I purchased! 

We spent New Year's Eve with our neighbors.  Annie babysat for my friend and joined us around 10:30. We were watching the movie World War Z in 3D.  I'm not a fan of zombies... and there were a LOT of zombies in the movie.  Jack thought it was funny because I screamed several times.  

Annie has watched The Walking Dead for a while.  I think she may have missed the first couple seasons but she watched those on Netflix over the summer.  There was a marathon on and somehow she got Jack sucked into it.  It was all out Walking Dead - palooza!  And to think we STILL have 17 episodes waiting on our DVR to be watched.  

If there was anything good that came out of the zombie-palooza, it was that I remembered how much I love to listen to music.  I danced and sang and found my happy place in our scary, dark, zombie-filled house.  :-)

I started this post long ago... I don't remember exactly when.  I have a lot of ground to cover and sadly I have forgotten some details.  I apologize.  

Annie has spent a LOT of time playing her ukuleles over the break.  It's amazing what that girl has been able to teach herself.  She made a new friend, Nia, that also plays ukulele.  One day when she was here Jack commented that he had noticed when they are together they put away their electronics and phones and just enjoy spending time together and playing. She actually spends time everyday playing - in her room.  I am just waiting for the day when she comes down and entertains us.  For now, I will enjoy her music from a distance. 

Jake is looking for a job.  He just wants something a few hours a week but that might hopefully turn into more during the summer.  Nothing yet.  

Our first day back to school was a... SNOW DAY!  It was so bitter cold I was thankful I didn't have to do car duty.  

The new semester has started off GREAT!  Both kids changed their schedules and, so far, think their teachers are very good.  They were supposed to take Drawing I together, but Jake dropped it and picked up Graphics I.  He also has different Chemistry and Algebra II teachers!  YAY!  Annie dropped a computer class and picked up Ceramics.  They both like their schedules, with core classes spread out nicely.  Annie did a bit juggling of her schedule and switched to better teachers. She didn't tell anyone that was the reason for all the switching, only accepting it as a happy accident.  ;-)

Jack's new job is going great.  It is so nice to talk to Jack about his day and get the feeling that he not only is productive but self satisfied.  He has been reading a book about the art of managing and already using much of what he's learned.  He's also getting lots of praise and it sounds like he is impressing many with his knowledge and ideas.   

My semester has started off with a few growing pains.  We have a new students to adjust to and the class dynamics have changed.  It's so important to roll with the punches but when you add student digressions from the break it makes for challenges.  It's nothing we can't handle together.  I really do love our team.

Annie started confirmation.  

We have gotten our house measured (twice) and are looking into getting new carpeting.  It's very exciting!  Soon we will have new carpeting in the living room, dining room, family room, on the stairs and the upstairs hallway.  Yay!  I can't wait!!

We celebrated our 17th Wedding Anniversary.   Wow, 17 years already.  That seems crazy.  

Yesterday, I tripped and fell down on the playground.  There was a collective gasp as I went down then when they realized I was laughing at myself everyone joined in.  You could say I embraced the fall.  I did not fall on my face, I did a little twirl and landed on my back with my arms spread out on each side.  It felt like it was in slow motion.  Several ladies commented they wished they'd seen the whole thing.  Katie said, "I did and I'm so happy I got to see it!" Kim said, it was the "cutest thing I've ever seen."  I suppose it's part of my job to entertain the troops.     

Today, I started working with my friends Marena and Sarah.  Marena created a company called Bringing Therapy Home and does in-home speech therapy.  Sarah, is an Occupational Therapist and together they do therapy groups - motor, language and social groups.  They asked me to work their 8-week session.  I help with the tough kids, some are nonverbal, some have behaviors but it's something I'm good.  AND Marena pays me in compliments. No, seriously, it's a paying gig.  ;-)  The morning flew by!  

There is a lot of talk about what will happen next year when the center opens.  All the preschool classes will be in one building with the exception of six classes that will stay at two elementary schools. The center will be located at the top of the hill near us on 143rd, in the transformed church building.  I could easily walk to work but I'm just not sure that's where I'm suppose to be.  I have been doing a bit of soul searching.   

Jack and I are on our way out to look at carpet, so I will add pictures tomorrow.


We inspired each other, not by the things we say but in what we do.  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pennies from Heaven

I know, I know, I need to blog.  I will soon.  But in the mean time, I read this story and it was too good not to share.  

You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc.  This is the first time I've ever heard this twist on the story.  Gives you something to think about.  Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband's employer's home.  My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend.  The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house.  The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live... The husband's employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely!  As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband; he stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him.  There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped and a few cigarette butts.  Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny.  He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure.  How absurd!  What need did this man have for a single penny?  Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her.  Finally, she could stand it no longer.  She casually mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value.  A smile crept across the man's face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see.  She had seen many pennies before.  What was the point of this?  "Look at it." he said, "Read what it says."  She read the words "United State of America."  "No, not that, read further."  "one cent?"  "No, keep reading."  "In God We Trust?"  "Yes!"  "And?"  "And if I trust God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin.  Whenever I find a coin, I see that inscription.  It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it!  God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him.  Who am I  to pass it by?  When I see a coin, I pray.  I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment... I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him.  For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold.  I think it is God's way of starting a conversation with me.  Fortunately for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful!  When I was out shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk.  I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change.  I read the words, "In God We Trust," and had to laugh.  Yes, God, I get the message.  It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but the, pennies are plentiful.  And, God is patient.  
Author unknown Image by Ryan McVay/Thinkstockphotos
I always have my eye out for pennies.  And if it's heads down I turn it over and hope that whoever finds it is in need of a little luck.  Now, I think I'll still turn it over but take a moment, saying a prayer - reminding me to trust Him AND for the next person that finds it. 
