Monday, June 10, 2013

Make a list... and celebrate a little.

How can one kid have so much laundry in his room?  The washer and dryer haven't been in constant motion, which is probably why it seems never ending to me.  I had asked him to do the laundry but this morning I  decided to take it over.  I just want it done.

The morning started off slow but soon my mind was full... do this - do that.  Sell this - donate that.  After several telephone calls I decided I wasn't going to keep up with everything if I didn't start putting more in writing.  I have a list of everything I've donated, which I updated.  I have a list of items I want to sell.  Now I have lots of lists going... I wonder if I should make a list of my list.  (ha!  Just kidding.)  I get more done when I have a list.  I get so much satisfaction in checking off items one by one.  And yes, if you're curious, I have been known to write down things I've already done just to see it checked off.  :-D  Is that normal?  Or am I weird?  I don't care.  It keeps me motivated.

I made a to-do list for Jake.  He had several things that needed to get done before he left for work.  One of which was homework from last Friday - complete a W-4 form.  I sat with him and explained what it was and what it was for.  He checked all the items off and decided to lay down and take a rest for 5 minutes before we had to leave. I told him it was a bad idea.  He did it anyway.  He didn't ask me to wake him.  He didn't say anything.  I was going to wait him out - thinking if he was late to work it would be a natural coincidence.  If you remember, I had told him he was going to start driving to and from work each day.  I caved and told him to get up at 20 til.  I knew it would be pushing it, but I thought we'd be ok.  He drove through the neighborhood and it became very clear that he wasn't going to make it in time.  I caved again and asked if I could drive.  We got a few blocks down the road and I asked if he had his paperwork.  "Uh, no."  Ugh!  I did a quick u-turn and zipped home.  Now we were really late.  I had decided I was going to speed but got stuck behind several slow drivers.  We got on the highway and guess what - road construction.  Ugh!  I was getting pretty close to road rage a couple time with stupid aggressive drivers.  (lol - yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds)  I asked Jake to call in and let him know he was running late but he didn't have their telephone number.  We talked about being up front about being late and apologizing as soon as he arrived.  We got Jake dropped off 5 minutes late.  

Annie had a dentist appointment clear across town and now the challenge was getting her there on time.  Thankfully the lights were in our favor and we made it just in time.  No cavities!  Yeah!  I was surprised when she walked out with only a braces flosser in her hand.  No toothbrush, toothpaste, floss or toy.  :-(  (Even Jake came out with his little bag AND a toy.)  My little one is grown up so fast. (sob, sob)

I have a funny Annie story... she selected Debate as her top elective for her Fall schedule.  Jack and I were a little surprised to hear this, because Annie HATES to speak in front of people, but delighted that she was going to face her fear head on.  There is a girl at her table in art class that is going to be a Senior at BVW, they have been getting lots of information about high school and must have been talking about classes.  Annie came home and announced we needed to call the school and switch her out of debate.  "I didn't know what it was.  Why didn't anyone tell me?"  I couldn't help but giggle.  "Why would you think I wanted to take that class?  Really?"  My giggles turned into full laughter.  "Mom, this isn't funny!"  I tried to control my tears.  After I composed myself I called the school.  Unfortunately, she can't change her schedule until school starts - which mean she has to go to her first class.  Dread was written all over her face but I am sure the thought of going to one class is MUCH better than a whole semester.  :-)  She'll survive. 

Annie and I came home and made pies.  Little tiny fruit pies.  We made them out of tiny graham cracker pie crusts.  We made 2 strawberry cream pies, 2 banana cream pies and Annie made a blueberry pie for herself.      

We were only home 40 minutes before it was time to head out.  We had a Mission Trip meeting at 6:00.  It was uneventful but filled with details.  I completed some paperwork.  The kids are really looking forward to their Kansas City adventure.  

After dinner we celebrated Father's Day.  Jack was a little confused why we'd celebrate tonight, but... since we're aren't gonna be together until late Sunday we decided there was no better time.
Happy Father's Day!
Jack with his tiny pies, cards and present.

Cards from the kids.
(If you can't read it, it say My Dear Father)
Cool Dads Make Cool Kids - and I'm ridiculously cool, so nicely done, sir. ( from Jake)
You Rock Dad - even if your music doesn't. (from Annie)

Present Time!

I think he likes it.

Nope, he loves it!
My friend, Jewelee, painted a picture of Suzy.

I hope he feels as special as he is!  

My friend Lisa stopped by for a few minutes.  She brought me a birthday present.  :-)  My birthday is coming up, ya know...  ;-)  She got me a beautiful picture.

It says:  In This House we do second chances.
we do grace; we do real; we do mistakes; we do I'm sorrys;
we do hugs; we do family; we do love.

It's perfect! 
Thanks, Lisa.

And it's already found a home.

(Jack said, "Someday, it's going to look like Applebee's in here.")
He thinks he's so funny.

It was a fun day!


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