Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Here, There and Everywhere

It's been busy.  It's been fun.  I've been tired.  The kids have been tired.  Jack's been tired, too.

Sunday was Sue's birthday.  I joined her, Lauren, CJ and Sue's friend, Susie and her daughter at Art in the Vines at Somerset Ridge Vineyard in Louisburg.  It's only a few miles from Marlene's old house.  It was a little cloudy, a little chilly but when the sun finally came out it was beautiful!  

Happy Birthday, Sue!
CJ, Lauren and Sue
Somerset Ridge Vineyard and Winery

So much beautiful artwork!

I was there just long enough to finish this masterpiece.
Ha!  I wish!

Monday, the kids started their Design Fundamentals class.  It's a prerequisite class for all other art classes in high school.  They will go to class 5 hours a day, 4 days a week for the next 3+ weeks.  They were both excited.  I picked them up at 12:30 and found them both very tired.  

Jake spent the entire afternoon and evening with friends, skateboarding and having fun.  :-)

Annie had a friend over.  They went for a walk.  They had fun doing whatever girls do.  ;-)

Yesterday afternoon Annie went to a Tea Party at a friends house.  She was asked to make sure her legs and arms were covered.  This sweet friend is Indian and wears a head wrap.  Annie looked adorable and respectful.  Annie: "It wasn't really a tea party.  We just sat around talked, ate food and drank tea."   Me: "Umm, I'm pretty sure that's a Tea Party."  (wink)

Yesterday afternoon Jake started his job.  Jack went with me to pick him up at 6:00 - Jake was exhausted.  He fell asleep on the way home.  We picked Annie up, picked up a pizza, came home - Jake was in a deep sleep - we came inside, ate dinner, Annie did the dishes, then went out and got the mail - Jake was still asleep in the car - Annie went back outside and get her backpack out of the car.  Jake came in 10 minutes later.  He was in a mood.  A bad mood.  A grouchy mood.  He ate dinner.  He didn't talk to anyone.  He watched tv.  We finally told him he needed to go take a shower and go to bed.  He did.  

Today when I picked the kids up from class Annie said, "the first day was fun, the second day was exhausting and today was LONG!"  I think it's a bit more than they expected, but really, no ones complaining.  Annie and Jake are in different classes.  There are three classes with 25 students in each.  The majority of the students are freshman.  Annie is sitting with two friends and a girl from West that will be a Senior.  She's in band with Jake.  Jake is at a table with 3 freshman, 1 girl and 2 boys.  All were super quiet the first day.  One of the boys didn't speak until today.  "Today he talked, A LOT!"   If you could judge how a class is going by the amount of paint on your hands, clothes, I would say Jake is having a blast!  Today he was covered.  Yesterday, he had charcoal in the lines on his neck, face and pants and paint on his hands and arms.  Both kids like their teachers.  They seem to have very different teaching styles and so far it seems to fit each one of my kids.  :-)  

Today was the first day I found myself feeling a bit like a taxi driver.  I'm so glad we have a carpool to take the kids to school.  I picked them up then took kids here, there and everywhere.  About 45 minutes before Jake needed to be at work we left and took another couple bags to Goodwill, dropped Jake off at work; Annie to Target (to get a CD that was on hold at the store by the mall), picked up Annie's friend, took them to a different Target to get a few things, then home... back to get Jake, home long enough to get Jake's skateboard, on to his friend Hunter's house, back home for a couple hours.  When Annie got home from her friends softball game I took her to check on / feed Lexi the cat and then HOME!  Jack picked Jake up on his way home from golf, took him to get his stitches out, home long enough to grab a coupon and to get Jake's hair cut.  Whew!  No wonder I'm tired.   I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining.  I'm not.  I am glad that they are busy and active and taking a class and working and enjoying their lives!

Here's a few more pictures from our day.

Jake's stitches and bruised eye.
Annie colored her hair!
Super cute!
She promised she'd do it before Grace moved.
Grace helped.
I love her hair parted on the side!

Stitches out.
Tape stays on until it falls off.

Jake got a haircut.
And now he looks so grown up.
I don't like it!

I'm chugging away on my 2 a day project.  So far, so good.  It feels great.  

I was admiring my flower garden and found WEEDS!  I may have also found my point of OCD.  I plucked every little sprout.  And I found a dandelion!  Eeeeeck!  Jack calls them Devil weeds.  :-(  (Not too long ago we heard a sermon where the preacher told us our faith needed to be more like a dandelion - a dandelion seed head - give it freely.  Ever since then I have been very torn.)  I don't like the weed but I love the analogy.  


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