Sunday, June 9, 2013

I think we're all exhausted

It was a fun, busy weekend - to go with my fun, busy week. Thursday Annie went to school only telling one friend that she had colored her hair.  She was entertained by the guessing game that ensued when her friend Kate tried to decide what was different about Annie.  It threw her off because Annie had her hair parted on the side.  Annie is tickled because "my eyebrows finally match my hair!"  ;-)  I have to say, I love it too!

Paula, Jack's Mom, came to visit in the afternoon. We picked Jake up from work and went out to dinner.  I'm prrretty sure Paula thinks we're a little crazy, but we shared some good laughs around the table.  At one point I informed our waitress the bacon potato soup tasted like clam chowder.  Of course, she had to ask if I was sure... and I tilted my head, and said in a squeaky voice, "I'm pretty sure!"  (watch this skit from Saturday Night Live and I think you'll understand:   Anthony-Crispino - "I'm pretty sure)  It might help you understand the story if I explain that Annie had ordered clam chowder only to be told they were out.  She patiently waited for her 2nd option - Lobster Bisque (yea, can you believe she likes Lobster Bisque? lol!)  Jake had also gotten soup, Potato Bacon.  I had asked if I could try it and got a clam.  :-(  I don't like clam chowder.  It was discovered the two cream soups had been mixed by mistake.  I wasn't trying to cause a scene, just make them aware of it - in case someone with a seafood allergy ordered Potato Bacon.  

We had a nice visit with Paula and had a low key evening.  We watched a movie.  

Friday morning was the kids second true day of Summer Vacation - no school on Fridays! They only slept in until 8 a.m.  It was National Donut Day.  Paula got up really early and went out for coffee and a donut.  She had a big day planned with Aunt Sue so she didn't stick around too long.  It was good to see her.

I posted on Facebook that I remember, several years ago, taking the kids to every donut shop we could think of.  We didn't do that this year.  Actually, we never went and got donuts.  Oh well.  There's always next year.  :-)

I had originally wanted to take the kids to Worlds of Fun, but sadly my offer was declined by not one but both kids.  Bummer!  (We've entered strange new territory.  I don't think I've ever turned down a Worlds of Fun offer.)

Jake had big plans... but his room was a disaster and it postponed his fun for a bit.  He met up with his friend, Hunter around 11:15 a.m. and they spent the day riding skateboards and fishing.  Jake had a "really big" fish on the line and I'm not exactly sure how the story went but Jake ended up in the pond.  "It was only about 5' deep.  And it was funny.  Hunter laughed.  I laughed."  Thankfully, he didn't get hurt but all of his bandages fell off.   

Annie and I took her friend Grace out to lunch.  Grace has been like a second daughter.  The girls spent the rest of the afternoon together and I dropped Grace off at home when I took Annie to the "surprise party for Maggie and Grace" that wasn't really a surprise.  They originally wanted to have a pool party but unfortunately the pool had another function scheduled and the girls decided the water was too cold.  Thankfully, another family offered up their house.  The kids had a great time.  After the party we hosted a final slumber party for Annie and her group.  Six girls.  There is nothing like the sound of whispers and giggles.  I love it.  The girls had a great time.  Jack heard them at 1:30 a.m., when they got hungry and ate leftover pizza.  The tough part came at 5:50 a.m. when the alarm went off.  It was moving day for Maggie she was to be picked up at 6:00.  I came down to make sure they were awake and sat on the stairs waiting and watching for her Mom to arrive.  Maggie went around to each of the other girls, they whispered their goodbyes followed by a big hug and tears.  (Ugh, it was hard to watch for sure!)  She gave me a big hug as she walked out the door and I couldn't help but flick a few tears away.   

Exhausted, all the girls went back to sleep.
I don't think Annie had slept much all night.
She hates goodbyes as much as I do.

Jack played golf Saturday morning, so he was up and out the door pretty early.  He played his nemesis course again and did much better!  He's really REALLY looking forward to golf league this week and spending a few days golfing with his Dad at the end of the week.

I went and got the girls donuts - we celebrated with donuts a day late.  :-)  

Feeling motivated, I took on Jake's room.  I went into this cleaning with no judgement.  I took everything out of his room except this bed and bookshelf and whatever was on the floor.  I organized and got a lot accomplished.  When Jake got home at noon his to do list was already long.  Mow the yard - and everything that goes along with that.  Vacuum his room.  Sort clothes and start the laundry.  I asked Jake to wash all his clothes  All of them.  After the clothes were clean we sorted into too small/don't like, donate/give away.  And his other "stuff" was  sorted into keep, trash, donate.  He made good progress.  

My folks were wanting to take me out to dinner for my birthday on Wednesday but Jack has golf league so I called them in the afternoon and asked if we could meet in Lawrence for dinner... tonight.  It worked out - even though my Dad isn't feeling the best.  (He's having trouble with the bottom of his feet.  Please say a prayer for him.)  We were late but had a very nice dinner and visit.  After dinner I made a quick stop at Target to pick up something for my sister and then we made our way back home.  We all made it home safely before the storm came through.
My folks gave me this sweet little cherub.
It's sweet little naked bottom is laying front and center on the mantle.

I was up way too late - keeping the laundry going.  

Suzy hasn't been feeling well and woke me up at 4:11 a.m.  :-(  I finally got back to sleep around 6!  Short night.  

Today was busy as well.  Sunday School, Home Depot, Hyvee, lunch at home (Jack grilled chicken and I made corn on the cob in the microwave - YUM!), Goodwill (another purge drop off), Walmart, Costco, Youth Group, wash - dry - fold - sort - repeat... 

Annie's friend, Grace, came over tonight for an hour.  She's moving tomorrow.  (deep sigh)  We are gonna miss that girl!  (Please keep Annie in your prayers, too.  It's hard to have friends move away.)  No tears tonight.  I just kept saying - "it's not goodbye, it's see ya later."  

Jake worked hard all day, so we let him go over to his friend, Ian's, to swim and play basketball.  It was a great way to end his busy, fun, productive weekend.

Tomorrow I hope to find  him a new dresser.

Yawn... another late night.  

Sleep well!


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