Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, to ME!

Happy Birthday to me!
That's one BIG candle, huh?

I had a fun, relaxing day.  I opened all my birthday cards.  I just love saving up the mail and opening a bunch of cards all at once.  I think my Mom use to hide all my cards until my birthday... that must be why I like to wait.  I started packing.  I colored my hair.  I just love the feeling of washing those grays away!  I tried to make an appointment for a pedicure, but they were booked.  (So it got postponed until this morning.)  I took kids here and there.  Annie had afternoon plans with friends, so I dropped her off and took Jake to work.  

I came home and made cupcakes.  
Tie dye cupcakes!
I colored the batter.

into the oven you go...

My first attempt... not perfect but still yummy!

While I was making cupcakes the window guy came and replaced our broken window.

He took out the whole thing!

Then bam!  Almost done!

I couldn't show you both windows, because then you'd see how dirty the other window is.
And all complete BEFORE the cupcakes were even done.

I frosted half the cupcakes and will take the rest to Colorado.  My friend Lisa called and asked what we were doing for dinner.  Since Jack was golfing - league night.  Don't worry, he didn't blow off celebrating my birthday to go golf with friends.  I picked up Annie...

Waiting for Sydney's ride... 
NO PHOTOs, please.

then we got Jake and met Lisa and her son, Justin, at Chili's.  Yes, we were just there last weekend, but that's where I wanted to go.  (Lisa's husband was working late and son, Nick, is on a mission trip.)  The kids enjoyed playing a game on Justin's phone.    

Watching Jake was so funny...
he's so animated.

Annie's game face.
She's gonna be so mad at me for posting this...
but it makes me laugh.

Me and my kids and a Big Birthday brownie
with 5 spoons!

Jack got home and we enjoyed cupcakes - well, Jack saved his for breakfast and Annie didn't eat one at all. So correction... Jake and I ate cupcakes.  ;-)

All too soon it was late.  And now here I sit - instead of packing.

My toes are a happy blue color.  :-)  A young guy did my pedicure.  It made me feel like a queen.  (ha ha!)

Ok, have a great week!  I probably won't post again until next week!  If you want to know what's going on, you're just going to have to call me.  ;-)


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