Friday, June 21, 2013

Jack's fitting in...

It's Lenexa Barbecue Weekend and this pretty much sums up Jack's experience, so far...
yes, he's the one dancing on the left.

Here's the whole video: Lenexa Harlem Shake 
(turn on your speakers and click the link, Dad)

I haven't even gone over yet.  I will be leaving soon.

Jake and Annie are on the mission trip.  Here's a link to their blog:

I will try to take pictures at the BBQ tonight and post tomorrow.


Monday, June 17, 2013

A quick trip to Colorado

This is why we went...
Team Mile High on Color.
Jake, Sarah, Addy, Matt, Annie and me.
~ but more about this later.

Before the kids and I took off Thursday morning I decided to get a little pampering and got a pedicure.  I have never had a guy do my nails.  There were three young men working Thursday morning, along with a handful of ladies.  I found it kinda weird.  Not that there was anything wrong with it.  He was really strong and my calves are still a little bruised and it was 4 days ago.  I felt like a queen.  (ha ha!)  I've never had blue toes before.  I like them!   

I picked up the kids after class and we hit the road.  It was a pretty uneventful drive until we got into western Kansas.  Sarah had called and warned me of a storm packing high winds, hail and a little rain.  (Matt said it was generated by the Colorado wildfires.)  We made a pit stop in Colby for a potty break and gas.  I visited with a couple fellow travelers in the gas station and they advised me to turn to FM 107.7 for weather info if I was heading West.   I'd be fibbing if I said I wasn't a little nervous.  I found the radio station and sent Jack a text.  "God is our co-pilot.  Listening to local radio station for weather updates. It just happens to be a Christian station.  :-)"  It brought me a lot of peace.
The clouds were kinda scary looking.

It got really windy before the rain and thankfully we never saw any hail.

We finally made it to the Colorado state line - 
a little blurry but the sign is in front of the trees...
(I couldn't believe someone had stopped to get out 
and take a picture of a stupid sign in the wind and rain!)
 and the sun made an appearance.

We made it safely to Sarah's.  

I surprised Addy with an early birthday present.
She loves Princesses so I gave her a bag Annie used during her
short princess stage and added a few things.
Addy LOVES her Princess iPhone.

Two of my favorite people in this world!

After breakfast we decided to hike up to Addy's Rock (aka Castle Rock).  The altitude didn't bother us too much.  The view was beautiful.
Taking a rest break.

The view to the West...

The view to the North and East...

Pikes Peak through the smoke.
We got fire updates twice daily.
The Black Forest fire was very close
with evacuation to the county line to our south.
 We could only smell smoke one afternoon.

The kids really REALLY wanted to climb to the top.
I said no.
I'm not afraid of heights.
I am afraid of falling.

Annie found LOTS of lizards.
Addy decided to get right down on its level to check one out.

I brought tie dye cupcakes...
and Addy got to frost her own.
She loves frosting, see!?
Addy loves sprinkles!  (tell me when to stop)

Addy thought it was pretty neat.
Addy loves cupcakes!
What a little cutie patootie!

After Addy's nap and snack we drove into Denver to get our Color Run swag bag, stopped to see Matt at the fire station, had dinner at Cafe Rio - YUM!  (I can't wait to take Jack there the next time we're there.) and purchased supplies for our tutu's.  

I watched the video on how to make the tutus and we got to work.  Sarah and I worked together on Addy's 
It really is easy.
But I don't think either of us will go into business making them.

First try... Addy wanted to twirl before Sarah had it tied.
She was so excited!

Then set up and each worked on our own after Addy was in bed.  That's when my OCD kicked in.  (Sad but true.)

Three finished tutus.
Annie decided she didn't want one... which was fine.

Off to the pool!

The water was warm,
the air was cold when you got out.

Addy loves the pool!

Picnic lunch poolside.

Then Jake hung out in the shade.

And Annie soaked up some rays.


Sarah had to wake Addy up, but she popped right out of bed.  Oh boy!  Race day!!

The kids were ready.

Sarah, Addy and Matt are ready.

Sarah and I were ready!

Lots of people!
Lots of waiting!
Lots of music and dancing!

Addy did such a good job!
Just kicking back, relaxing.
She's so darn cute!

Jake had gotten a little claustrophobic in the big crowd.  He got sweaty and the color on his lip started to run.  He almost got sick.  I was trying to convince him to just sit and rest on the side instead of among the people.  That way he'd get a bit more air.  

Finally getting close to the starting line.
We were in wave #14...
and already had some color on us.

There are only two rules for the Color Run.  #1 Start off wearing a white t-shirt.  #2 By the end you should look like you ran into Willy Wonka.  This year I expected to walk.  I was shocked when everyone on our team - except me - started off jogging.  (8-|  Seriously?  Jake walked with me for a few strides but then picked up his pace.  Don't worry, I caught up to them eventually.  Lol!   

Jake rolled in the yellow.

The kids coming out of the pink fog...

Post race fun -
Matt, Addy and Sarah.  Woo hoo!  You did it! 
Jake and Annie were both near the stage behind them.

Me and the kids.


Then Addy needed a little time at the playground...
so Sarah, Jake and I decided to relax.

And if you're curious, I think everyone's dogs were barking.
(dogs = feet / barking = hurting) 
(*I believe it's called a double entendre, Annie. ;-)  xo)

We went out to breakfast - full of color.  We sat outside and felt a bit like animals at the zoo... lots of people were looking at us.  BUT we enjoyed our time and meal together.

We got back to Sarah's and Jake hopped in the shower.  He only got a little color off.  Annie just changed clothes and I stayed in my color gear.  We packed up and hit the road.  The weather was looking suspect and I thought it was best to get ahead of it.  We saw lots of lightning and a few sprinkles.  We left (the second time - after returning for Annie's glasses) at 3:00pm.   
We saw lightning and big clouds on 86 between Castle Rock and I-70.

Between Colby and Oakley we drove through a wicked dust storm

Visibility was only a few car lengths... scary.  I turned on my flashers and slowed way down.  But soon it was gone and we were back up to cruising speed.

We only stopped twice.  Only once for gas!  We got home a little after 11.  I was in bed and sleeping by 11:30.  Annie showered and was not far behind me.  Jake had homework... then he was off to bed too.


It was hard to get up.  But I saw the kids off to school.  The crazy weather is still hanging around and a storm came in from the Northeast.  Ugh.  I don't know why but when storms come from that direction I get nervous.  Nothing but rain came of them - thank goodness.

Scary sky.

This afternoon Jake worked.  Annie hung out with friends.  And now we're enjoying a quiet evening together.  

I'm happy.
This bugs Annie, not only because it's a temporary tatoo...
but because it's crooked on my arm.

I'm going to see how long it will last.

Jake's taken three showers and still has color in ear and hair...
I wonder if he's leaving it there to be ornery?

It's always fun to take trips and visit Sarah, 
even if only for a couple day, 
but it's good to be home.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, to ME!

Happy Birthday to me!
That's one BIG candle, huh?

I had a fun, relaxing day.  I opened all my birthday cards.  I just love saving up the mail and opening a bunch of cards all at once.  I think my Mom use to hide all my cards until my birthday... that must be why I like to wait.  I started packing.  I colored my hair.  I just love the feeling of washing those grays away!  I tried to make an appointment for a pedicure, but they were booked.  (So it got postponed until this morning.)  I took kids here and there.  Annie had afternoon plans with friends, so I dropped her off and took Jake to work.  

I came home and made cupcakes.  
Tie dye cupcakes!
I colored the batter.

into the oven you go...

My first attempt... not perfect but still yummy!

While I was making cupcakes the window guy came and replaced our broken window.

He took out the whole thing!

Then bam!  Almost done!

I couldn't show you both windows, because then you'd see how dirty the other window is.
And all complete BEFORE the cupcakes were even done.

I frosted half the cupcakes and will take the rest to Colorado.  My friend Lisa called and asked what we were doing for dinner.  Since Jack was golfing - league night.  Don't worry, he didn't blow off celebrating my birthday to go golf with friends.  I picked up Annie...

Waiting for Sydney's ride... 
NO PHOTOs, please.

then we got Jake and met Lisa and her son, Justin, at Chili's.  Yes, we were just there last weekend, but that's where I wanted to go.  (Lisa's husband was working late and son, Nick, is on a mission trip.)  The kids enjoyed playing a game on Justin's phone.    

Watching Jake was so funny...
he's so animated.

Annie's game face.
She's gonna be so mad at me for posting this...
but it makes me laugh.

Me and my kids and a Big Birthday brownie
with 5 spoons!

Jack got home and we enjoyed cupcakes - well, Jack saved his for breakfast and Annie didn't eat one at all. So correction... Jake and I ate cupcakes.  ;-)

All too soon it was late.  And now here I sit - instead of packing.

My toes are a happy blue color.  :-)  A young guy did my pedicure.  It made me feel like a queen.  (ha ha!)

Ok, have a great week!  I probably won't post again until next week!  If you want to know what's going on, you're just going to have to call me.  ;-)
