Monday, May 16, 2016

Icing on the cake

Well, tonight was the finale.  Jake's last high school "event".  Tonight, was the band banquet.
We ate food.  We watched the video.  We listened to the directors gush on the students.  We listened as names were read of those lettering for the first time, then those lettering again and those that went above and beyond and got an extra pin.  Jake lettered all four years and this year he was among those recognized for going the extra mile.  Jake was in marching band, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band.  He was on the leadership team for marching band and was section leader in SWE.  Jake took Music Theory, and private lessons.  

The top 4 awards were given to the best musicians; brass and woodwind, leadership and the final award was the Esprit de Corp Award, which is given to the outstanding member that best exemplifies the best qualities of participation, leadership, and spirit of the band program.  The director always started by describing the individual before saying their name. She described the outstanding member as "the dark horse, a quiet leader, kind, funny and compassionate; giving many rides to marching band or school to make sure they were ready and on time for band. He is quirky and wonderfully weird" and continued by saying, "someday I will see you with your band and I will be honored to say you were MY student."  I don't know at what point we put it all together but tears were streaming down my cheeks. Jack turned to me with tears in his eyes and even Jake admitted he almost cried when she looked directly at him, visibly crying.  As the director said Jake's name there was an eruption of applause and the entire room was on their feet.  Well, everyone except me, I couldn't get out of my seat.  So many tears of pride and love, admiration and a little shock. 

I looked around and many were teary around us.  

At the conclusion several people came over to talk to us and Jake... a couple got teary thanking Jake for giving their student a ride, or thanking him for his kindness and acceptance of their freshman during band camp.  He was someone their student went home and talked about.  One dad said, "he is so deserving."  More waves of emotion but I tried to keep the tears in check.  

Jake slapped hands with several young kids I had never seen but they were so happy for him.  I stood there feeling proud and thinking  'Wow!  We raised an amazing human and other people recognize just how awesome he is!  It's not just my Mom goggles view.  That is SO COOL!'   

It was a moment of recognition that Jake was so deserving.  

Jake with Band Director, Cheryl Lee and Assistant Director, Joe Stuever 

I think back to Jake as a freshman.  He was so excited to be in the marching band.  Even now as he looks back at pictures of his bad posture I think he knew the band room would be his safe place.  I'm quite certain he gave more to music program than any other aspect of his high school career.  It was there he found his good friends and he accomplished things he couldn't even imagine.  He was challenged and encouraged and accepted and loved.  In the band room nothing was impossible. 

They took a skinny, spazzy kid and turned him into a strong, brave, smart, "wonderfully weird" man.  And this momma will be forever grateful.  

What a truly picture perfect ending to high school.


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