Sunday, May 15, 2016

Graduation weekend!

Friday, 8:30 a.m.
Blue Valley West Gymnasium

At school, more personal with
speakers, awards, etc.

Honorary graduate - the survivor
-which was really funny since there was so much 
construction this year and most got hit a time or two or five.

Teacher, Ben Myers was chosen by student and asked to speak. 
He taught Biology and was one of Jake's favorites.  

The Class Mural was presented, and created by Carter Bryant
All the students signed it and it will hang in a hallway.

Ringing of the bell ceremony.
They ran it their first day freshman year, too.

Kinda blurry but still good.

They finished by singing the fight song.


Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Diemer's house

The crazy cake!
Marbled layer cake with rice crispy treat instruments.

Treat table.
(My favorite part was the sign that read 
'Thanks for poppin by!' in front of the popcorn.)

Candy station!

Drinks and card boxes.

I enjoyed creating Jake's card box!

Will and Jake - party honorees

Waiting for the party to start...

Oh wait!  Jake started his own dance party.

Band banner were perfect decorations out front!

*Sorry, it was two hours of madness and I didn't take any pictures.*


Sunday 4:00 p.m.
Municipal Auditorium, KCMO

This is it!  

So serious.

One final conversation with the Principal.

Kind of blurry but getting his diploma.

"Hey dude, is this a joke?  Where's the diploma?"

Singing the alma mater one last time.

Move your tassle...

Hats off!

Unfortunately we didn't get pictures but my parents, 
Marlene, Dave, Scott and Kelley were also in attendance.  

Diemer's family picture.

Jake and Nick - awkward photos are kind of their thing...  

Jake and Annie - awkward photos are kind of their thing, too.

Band friends!

*** Now a little Annie time ***

Annie's friends Quinn and Morgan!

How much love can three pictures contain?  SO much!!

Three beauties!!!


Will and Jake take their pose!
Tuba power!
(And younger siblings.)
Spencer (Evan's brother), Jake, Shabad (graduated last year), 
Evan, and Annie!

What a weekend!

We are so proud of Jake!


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