Thursday, April 9, 2015


is a great number.

After all, we have four people in our family.







just plain unbelievable.

So, like it or not.

Ready or not.

We are now a family of four...

with FOUR vehicles.


We found a deal we couldn't pass up



now has


2000 Honda Civic

I'll post a picture of Annie with it tomorrow.

She's very excited!  And she's not home, believe it or not.  No, she's not out driving it.  She's running sound for the play at school.  And she's got a little more driving to do with us, first. The funny thing is, she got her restricted license on November 24, 2014 after she completed Driver's Ed and hadn't driven again until last night.  And I think only because we asked her to take it for a test drive.  I have to admit I thought she'd be a little scared or nervous but she wasn't the least bit.  I offered to drive it to a "safe" place but she hopped right in and drove several places, including school.  She practiced parking and squealed with delighted when she got out to check her positioning.  "It's so small!  And cute!  And perfect for me!"  


Jake is doing well.  He applied to be on band leadership during marching band next year. Tomorrow after school is drum major auditions, after which they will announce next years show and leadership.  (I really hope he gets it.)  Saturday is Regional Solo/Ensemble Competition.  He's playing a solo and is in a tuba trio.  I'm looking forward to hearing both performances.  I really want the next two months to go smoothly and quickly for him.  Junior year is hard!  And I'm ready for it to be over for him.  As I type this I can't help but think that next year he'll be a Senior and I'm not ready for that.  I'm in conflict.  I'm torn. Deep sigh!     

Jack was supposed to start golf league last night but it got called due to the weather.  He had a 5:06 tee time.  They blew the whistle at 5:05 and cancelled league.  And 20 minutes later they reopened the course.  Jack confessed it was all for the best, he was hitting great off the mats but not off the grass.  I'm sure he'll go to the driving range a few times before next week.  He's been really busy at work.  He's using a new phone.  A test phone.  But don't ask him any questions about it because he can't answer any and he can't even let us see it or touch it.  

The puppy is... good.  He is still getting up once a night to go potty - which I'm ready for him to outgrow.  He's up to 6.4 pounds and we think he's 1/3 of the size he'll be when he's full grown.  That's according to the puppy growth chart we found.   He loves to play in the backyard and chase leaves, tree bark, birds and rabbits.  He hasn't caught anything yet but he is fast and, unlike Suzy, quiet and sneaky when on a chase.  He's doing better on a leash, we've gotten across two streets now.  Baby steps.  (wink)

I am doing well.  I have agreed to teach pre-k next fall at Parkwood Day School.  I will co-teach with Laura and we have been busy planning every chance we get.  We are both excited to hit the ground running.  I have also been busy doing some marketing for Bringing Therapy Home.  I attended a Special Needs Resource Fair on Tuesday night and this Saturday I get to go to the Stepping Stones Gala.  BTH is a sponsor and since Marena and Sarah are both out on maternity leave several of us get to go and represent.  It should be a fun night raising money for Infant Toddler Services of Johnson County. 


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