Monday, April 27, 2015

Legacy BBQ #6

It was a long weekend and if I would have tried to type last night I would have typed random words that made no sense and had no connection.

I would have been like last night at dinner when we were eating Chipotle and Jack said, "vegetable lasagna!"  ? We all got a laugh out of it because I think we were all feeling a bit sleep deprived.

Friday night we had LOTS of help show up to trim and prepare the meat.  We were done and on our way home in an hour and a half!  AND we ate pizza, too!

Saturday we had a lazy morning.  Jack slept in.  We didn't get around and moving until after noon. We made quick stops at Sam's Club and Costco.  And headed to church to drop off a load.  We returned home to pack up with truck - 5 smokers and 1 large Weber grill, charcoal and a laundry list of other items and Jack was back on the road by 3:30.  I followed around 5:30, after another trip to Sam's Club.  It turned out to be a cold, drizzly evening and the pre-bbq bbq was moved indoors.  There were less than a dozen people but we had a nice evening of fellowship.

Sunday morning I woke up at 5:30 and sent Jack and message to make sure he was ok.  I think this was the first year that he stayed alone and I had a weird feeling.

** PAUSE **

I had pictures posted and was writing a bit more narrative and then... it was gone.  I'm not sure what button I hit but...  UGH!!!!  I will continue this tomorrow.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tuba love

Tuba Love!

These boys tuba trio scored a 1 yesterday in Emporia.

And to complete their trip dinner at Braum's.

So proud of them!

We survived the Legacy BBQ.  Small crowd.  Cold weather.  Tired Jack.

More soon!


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Let the walks begin!

"I'm getting pretty good at this walk thing"

That's what I would imagine Pilot is saying.  Yesterday we took a walk with a friend of mine.  We walked about a mile.  I carried him a little and we took a 20 minute break at the half way point. There just happened to be a bench for us to sit and chat on and Pilot got lots of time to take in all the new smells.  When I got home from work this afternoon we walked all the way to the other fountain.  He did great... except for he was afraid of a school bus and any noisy lawn equipment - mower, trimmer, blower, etc.  I had to carry him once because he was NOT gonna budge.  I thought - hoped - dreamed he would be worn out when we got home but no such luck.  I was ready for a nap after 30 minutes of playing but not him. Puppies are exhausting but I do love him!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Tonight Annie was inducted into the National Art Honor Society.  This is an extra curricular club Annie joined last spring but didn't become official until now.  She has been attending regular meeting every Wednesday morning at 7:15 a.m. and is required to do a certain number of community service hours. Annie didn't think it was a big deal and didn't even mention this event until last night.  I am so happy that Jack and I were able to attend and support her. 

One of her favorite teachers is the advisor and they hugged as Annie walked by her.  Wish I would have gotten a picture of that!  (shrug)


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tuba Trio and more

Today was Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival.

Jake played with a tuba trio this morning at 9:58 a.m. and a solo this afternoon at 1:42 p.m.  Jack and I were able to attend both.

The trio sounded great and scored a 1 rating.  They will be going to State in Emporia in two weeks.

Jake, Evan and Shabad

We arrived just before Jake performed and he seemed calm and cool.  He played beautifully with just a couple hick ups but as it was coming to a close his shoulders slumped and at one point took his free hand off his tuba.  Come to find out he ended too soon.  I thought he sounded very good but he said it was horrible.  He was mortified but still scored a 2 rating.  The piece was very difficult and I am so proud that he tried.

Here is a portion of his solo...

Mom, yes, Jake will be getting a haircut before he goes to Emporia.

We also had a friend bring her dog over to play yesterday.  We want Pilot to be a social pup.  

Not so brave now.

When he wasn't laying on his back he was trying to play... or cowering at the crazy beast running him over.  We will try again when he's a little bigger.

And finally, here are a few pictures from the Stepping Stones Gala.  

Taylor, Mary, Michelle and I

So fun!


Friday, April 10, 2015

2015 Leadership

Tonight we received this email from the band director.


BVW Band Family,

It is with great pride that I send you the announcement of our 2015 student leadership. We had almost 50 members show up to drum major auditions today (not including the 13 candidates!), which means that our students are invested in the future of our program. This is the single most important way to be successful. We have wonderful students. Mr. Stuever and I talk about how proud we are of them and how much we care about them constantly. Selecting leadership was difficult. So much so that we just spent about 3 hours on it-after already having numerous discussions prior to today. Less than half of those that applied are listed. This is a double edged sword-great because we have so many who want to serve the band in a greater capacity and terrible because so many deserving names are missing. What we try to instill in ALL our students is that leadership is something YOU choose-it is not something that can be bestowed upon you. I am confident that everyone who applied, whether listed or not, will be leaders in our program. 

Criteria for selection was part audition and application, but MOSTLY how students interact with others and how responsible, reliable and respectful they are as people. 

We could not be more proud of those who applied and those who auditioned for drum major today. The future is bright! The reason is three fold:  Our parents do a wonderful job raising responsible and kind young people, our seniors were very invested this year and have inspired the younger members and our young members have aspirations for the program. The result of this is a high motivated group of young people who will ALL CONTRIBUTE to our success!

2015 Leadership: 
Drum Major:  Nick Pfeiff
                      Courtney Scmitt
                      Michael Svoren
Woodwind:    Bailey George (Caption Head)
                      Emily Hennerberg
                      Alex Jasinski
                      Ethan McChesney
                      Ross McFarland
                      Amu Nuney
 Brass:           Alex Renaut (Caption Head)
                      Zac Cole
                      Will Damewood
                      Jacob Diemer (YAY!)
                      Mason Farley
                      Deacon Ridley
 Percussion:  Harrison Jones (Caption Head)
                      Mark Bowersock
                      Daniel Sizoo
 Colorguard:  TBD 

Congrats to everyone who applied and auditioned! Its going to be a great year!

Ms. Lee


As you can imagine Jack and I are very excited for Jake.  I can't say it will be easy but it will be a great experience.   I was also happy to see that Nick Pfeiff was named as a Drum Major. We are so proud of both boys!!

Please mark your calendar for OCTOBER 30th!  There is a Blue Valley West Football game and it is Senior Night!  

Other band dates for the Fall are as follows:

Sept. 11 @ 7pm - football game
Sept. 24 @ 6:30pm - football game
Sept. 30 @ 7pm - Blue Valley District Marching Festival
Oct. 1 @ 6:30pm - football game
Oct. 3 - Blue Springs Marching Competition
Oct. 10 - Tulsa Marching Competition
Oct. 17 - St. Louis BOA Marching Competition
Oct. 24 - local competition TBD
Oct. 27 @ 7pm - Band Concert
Oct. 30 @ 7pm - football game (Senior Night)

I hope you can make a performance.  


Today was a big day for Pilot, too!  We have been working on leash training.  The first attempt only got us across the front yard.  The second and third to the mailbox and half way down the block but not across the next street.  Today, I decided I needed to take a little extra incentive with me... treats!  And this happened...

Yep, he made it all the way to the fountain!  That's three whole blocks.   And he ran most of the way home.   With this new found adventure Pilot has also decided it's fun to run out the front door every time it opens.  And he's sneaky.  This morning I went to put a rug on the front porch and he joined me.  I did not have shoes on and he was having a great time running circles around me.  I, however, did not enjoy this little romp quite so much.  This afternoon he found his way out of the backyard.  Thankfully a neighbor saw him chasing a rabbit and got a hold of him.  Jack mended the holes when he got home but not before Pilot snuck out again and gave us both a scare.  He doesn't get his microchip until next week and he's so cute I would hate to have someone take him.  It was really scary!  I realize we've only had him a short time but I sure would miss him.  He's already found his spot in are family.  


Thursday, April 9, 2015


is a great number.

After all, we have four people in our family.







just plain unbelievable.

So, like it or not.

Ready or not.

We are now a family of four...

with FOUR vehicles.


We found a deal we couldn't pass up



now has


2000 Honda Civic

I'll post a picture of Annie with it tomorrow.

She's very excited!  And she's not home, believe it or not.  No, she's not out driving it.  She's running sound for the play at school.  And she's got a little more driving to do with us, first. The funny thing is, she got her restricted license on November 24, 2014 after she completed Driver's Ed and hadn't driven again until last night.  And I think only because we asked her to take it for a test drive.  I have to admit I thought she'd be a little scared or nervous but she wasn't the least bit.  I offered to drive it to a "safe" place but she hopped right in and drove several places, including school.  She practiced parking and squealed with delighted when she got out to check her positioning.  "It's so small!  And cute!  And perfect for me!"  


Jake is doing well.  He applied to be on band leadership during marching band next year. Tomorrow after school is drum major auditions, after which they will announce next years show and leadership.  (I really hope he gets it.)  Saturday is Regional Solo/Ensemble Competition.  He's playing a solo and is in a tuba trio.  I'm looking forward to hearing both performances.  I really want the next two months to go smoothly and quickly for him.  Junior year is hard!  And I'm ready for it to be over for him.  As I type this I can't help but think that next year he'll be a Senior and I'm not ready for that.  I'm in conflict.  I'm torn. Deep sigh!     

Jack was supposed to start golf league last night but it got called due to the weather.  He had a 5:06 tee time.  They blew the whistle at 5:05 and cancelled league.  And 20 minutes later they reopened the course.  Jack confessed it was all for the best, he was hitting great off the mats but not off the grass.  I'm sure he'll go to the driving range a few times before next week.  He's been really busy at work.  He's using a new phone.  A test phone.  But don't ask him any questions about it because he can't answer any and he can't even let us see it or touch it.  

The puppy is... good.  He is still getting up once a night to go potty - which I'm ready for him to outgrow.  He's up to 6.4 pounds and we think he's 1/3 of the size he'll be when he's full grown.  That's according to the puppy growth chart we found.   He loves to play in the backyard and chase leaves, tree bark, birds and rabbits.  He hasn't caught anything yet but he is fast and, unlike Suzy, quiet and sneaky when on a chase.  He's doing better on a leash, we've gotten across two streets now.  Baby steps.  (wink)

I am doing well.  I have agreed to teach pre-k next fall at Parkwood Day School.  I will co-teach with Laura and we have been busy planning every chance we get.  We are both excited to hit the ground running.  I have also been busy doing some marketing for Bringing Therapy Home.  I attended a Special Needs Resource Fair on Tuesday night and this Saturday I get to go to the Stepping Stones Gala.  BTH is a sponsor and since Marena and Sarah are both out on maternity leave several of us get to go and represent.  It should be a fun night raising money for Infant Toddler Services of Johnson County. 


Monday, April 6, 2015

The day she's been waiting for...




what she sent to friends


And a couple other cuties

Mom was pinching Jake's chub

I just think this one is cute

Sorry, his eyes are closed.
He's gained over a pound.
I can't believe we've only had him two weeks.
