Saturday, March 14, 2015

teaching life skills

It's 6:23 a.m. as I begin this. The room is dark and everyone is asleep. We didn't bring a computer this trip so I'm writing on my Kindle.  It likes to anticipate my text and I'm using the swipe typing method so it's messing me up a bit.

Our drive down was uneventful.  We hit rain south of Pryor, Oklahoma and it was steady. We had the wipers on most if the way to Houston. Our car was quiet. Someone was usually sleeping. When I drove I always had the radio on and would quietly sing along. Old or new, rock, country, Christian or whatever else was coming in clear.  I drove through a stretch of hard rain when we got into Texas and was a nervous wreck by the time it was Jack's turn to drive. The rain made no difference, crazy fast Texas drivers were out in force. I'm usually calm under pressure when I drive but I was white knuckling it. Jack tried to talk to me at one point and I snapped something back at him. I don't even recall what exactly.  Let me just say my shoulders were much closer to my ears when I got out of the car. And this morning every muscle in my body hurts.

We ate dinner at Torchy"s Tacos. Jack didn't want to spoil it and resisted snacks all afternoon. He'd been thinking about this meal since our trip to San Antonio. We had stopped in Austin for dinner on Halloween night. I wish I'd taken a picture as he ate... he loves their Baja Shrimp tacos and he"d found a little piece of heaven while he ate. It's entertaining to watch. Annie had them as well and her favorite Fuzzys Tacos have been dethroned. She also had an order of beans that looked enough like a brownie (with caramel and marshmallow sauce... actually taco sauce and sour cream) we were all confused when they were placed on the table.

The drive to our hotel was a short 30 minutes but finding the hotel was tricky. Darkness, poor signage and construction we all against us... even equipped with our GPS.  BUT we made it and we were all exhausted.

This trip I took a different approach to packing. Everyone did their own thing and I didn't micromanage anyone. I didn't double check. I only touched some of Annie's clothes because we are sharing a bag. I was good with that. (Did you notice I said WAS!?)  Jack and Jake are sharing an overnight bag. Jack likes to "move in" and places his clothes in a drawer. As I was walking by said bag on my way to brush my teeth I noticed something... "Jake were are your other clothes?"  All I could see in the bag were a pair of pajama pants, a t-shirt and a pile of socks. !?  Upon closer inspection there was one pair of underwear.  My first thought?  Thank goodness he brought the underwear.  My second thought was panic but I stuffed it back down.  Jake shrugged and said he must have forgotten. Panic would have won but I was too tired. I said, "fold your clothes you'll have to wear them again tomorrow. And the next day."

So, now here I am. Laying in the darkness. Wondering... what else did he forget to pack?  I'm resisting the urge to run outside in my pajamas and retrieve the suitcase. And inspect each chosen item. I'm also fighting it. It's a teaching moment.  Cause and effect.  An action and reaction. He's 17. There are worst things than wearing dirty clothes or teaching him to handwash his underwear in the sink and hanging it on the shower rod to dry.

Here I lay.

Listening to soft breathing.

It's peaceful.

How often do I get so wrapped up in details that I miss these moments?

I am embracing this peace.

I will remember this moment later this morning if/when Jake asks to go shopping for clothes.

I will smile, take a deep breath and tell him I will happily teach him to a life skill...

Sink laundry.

And next time I will only check to make sure everyone has 1) a packing list and 2) all items on said list has been checked off.


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