Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Post nasal drip...

Drip, drip, drip.  All.  Day.  Long.  Throw in a sneeze here and there and guess what?  I have allergies!  Ugh!  I haven't gotten a break.  I am still on antibiotics for crying out loud!  

I threw some clothes in the washer... and with my hands full the drips dropped on the clothes.  

I leaned over to take off my shoes and the faucet opened wide.  ?  What the heck!?

Time of some another dose of antihistamine and I'm off to bed.

But first a quick update - the kids are good.  They are both in full blown test and project deadline mode.  Annie was quite stressed this afternoon but is doing great now.  She starts swimming tomorrow in gym - ugh! AND they're not splitting the class up - boys and girls.  ? It was my understanding that only girls would be swimming with girls but their class is small.  ?  I have to admit that would give me anxiety when I was a freshman.  Thankfully my school didn't have a pool.

Annie finally cracked the Mom code:  probably = yes and maybe or we'll see = no.  :-)

I love that Jake likes to dance with me.  We don't need music.  At random times almost everyday he mosey's over to me and we dance.  Sometimes he twirls me.  Sometimes we start humming the same exact song.  It always makes us BOTH smile.  

Jack has been BUSY at work.  He was planning a trip next week - but it got cancelled.  

At school we are trying to be conscience of the number of times we say no, don't and stop. They are wanting us to become more aware of our word choices and try to eliminate those particular words from our vocabulary.  This morning I didn't say any.  Not even one!  This afternoon... I lost count.  Ugh!  It's a learning processing.  I'm glad we didn't decide to put marbles or M&M's in a jar - like a curse jar, as a visual aid.  Wish me luck.

I got a wicked paper cut today from a cardboard box.  Y'OUCH!  It's on the knuckle of my ring finger.  I made hot chocolate cupcakes with marshmellow frosting.  They're delicious!

Ok, I'm rambling.  I've probably forgotten something significant but that will have to wait for another day.


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