Sunday, March 2, 2014


The snow was not as bad as predicted.  You could still see blades of grass peeking out above the snow/sleet/ice.  Our church was one of the few that held services this morning.  We did not venture out.  I had a nice chat with my folks.  Dad mentioned how nice it was to visit on a Sunday morning, definitely a rarity and greatly enjoyed.  He is working so hard on our family genealogy.  I appreciate all the time he is putting into this.  It is something that I will cherish.   

We got the text, tweets, and emails at 4:29 p.m., no school tomorrow.  Boo!  Although I half expected it I wanted to be wrong, but with a predicted wind chill in the morning of 30 below zero... I had a feeling.  I think Jack was surprised.  The snow plow had already made it through our neighborhood. He had already shoveled the driveway.  

The kids were giddy.  Yes, giddy!  At one point I said, "come on kids, not so quiet!"  ?  Then we all laughed.  They are LOUD and excited!  I wish I would have taken a video of them laughing and carrying on.  It really was hilarious.  

Oh, yesterday I made those bacon pancake sticks.  The family consensus was, "eh".  Jack thought they masked the yummy bacon goodness.  Jake thinks they would have been much better if made with thick sliced real bacon - not turkey bacon.  I've filed the recipe under not worth the effort.  

Jake thinks continuing to study for his Chemistry test is ridiculous.  BUT Jack is winning that war.

I am planted in front of the tv watching the Oscar hype.  I asked Annie if she wanted to get all dolled up and watch with me.  Jake said, "no.  You're not Frankie Heck," she's the Mom on The Middle tv show.  Ha!  Ok, so I'm still in my pajamas.  :-)

Time to make some dinner.

Stay warm!


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