Monday, December 23, 2013

Snow / Christmas Pageant

Sunday - December 22

The snow was a bit of a disappointment.  I am ready for some serious snow.  We only got a few inches.  We had to get an early start, Annie spent the night at a friend's house, we had to go to Olathe to pick her up.  We made it to church early, the kids had Christmas pageant practice.  Jake was in the band and Annie was a kid wrangler - dressed like a donkey.  At yesterdays rehearsal a number of little ones decided they didn't want to be animals after all, so the band was enlisted as farm animals.  The pageant was adorable, but Annie's little sheep stole the show.  At one point he went to the hay bale center stage, took a seat and waved to everyone.  
The band...

Annie had her hands full with Henry.

The rest of the day was filled with shoveling and decorating the house.  I would have loved a nap but that didn't happen.  

Jake got dressed up for the occasion.
Tree skirt over his pj's...

Dance party

Awkward photo time...
they never cooperated.

Almost done.

 And a family drive to enjoy the lights.
Deanna Rose is all dressed up for Christmas
with a beautiful light show to music.

And a little video to enjoy since I couldn't get mine uploaded.
Magic Piano


Friday, December 20, 2013

Yay! Christmas Break is HERE!

The kids survived finals.  All grade are in.  Everyone passed their classes.  The air feels lighter in our house.  Jake spent the afternoon with a friend... and called to ask if he could spend the night.  Annie went to lunch and then ice skating to celebrate a friends birthday.  I wrapped presents, I cleaned, I thought about baking but never got my act together.  Jack planned to come home early.  He left work 5 minutes early.  :-)  BUT he has Ginger (his replacement) trained and is officially in his new role.  Wow, that happened fast, didn't it? He plans to take all next week off, but might go in and move to his new desk.  Did I tell you he will now have a window?  He's kind of a big deal.  ;-)

Annie shared her Digital Imaging final with us.  It's a collection of some of her favorite pictures.  Here are a few:

Beautiful and so artistic!  

Addy Bea had eye surgery today.  Sarah said she did great and was so brave.  Thank you God for watching over her and the medical team.  I continue to pray for her healing.  This afternoon Sarah said she was up, eating ice cream and watching cartoons.  

My brother-in-law, Dave, had a heart attack last Sunday night and required two stents.  I took my folks over for a visit on Wednesday and they are getting along well.  Marlene was supposed to go out to Colorado for Addy's surgery, so she has some time off to spend with him and oversee his recovery.  Please keep both Dave and Addy in your prayers for health and healing.  

We are looking forward to spending the next week together... including visits with family and friends.  I hope you are, as well.  



Sunday, December 15, 2013

I'm gonna let my little light shine.

Wow!  Two days in a row.  Crazy, huh?  ;-)

Life is full of choices.  Like I said yesterday, I choose the light.  If there is but one thing I am remembered for, I want it to be a positive one.  I want people to remember me and smile.  I want to be remembered as a light source.  

Merry Christmas!    

Today, we had a chili luncheon at church.  The Seekers Sunday School class as been in charge for years.  I don't know how many year but it's been a really long time.  This year they announced several weeks before the date that it was too much.  They couldn't do it any longer.  Now, I think it's important for you to know that most of the people in this class are probably in their 80's.  I don't know what was the final straw but when it was brought to our class, I looked over the information provided and after some thought I decided I would take it over.  It didn't really need to be one person, it could have been our class, but it seemed pretty straight forward.  Many of the Seekers had already signed up to make chili or help with this or that.  Table decorations were taken care of.  To go orders than two people ready and waiting with experience.  

The first glitch was I had only two weeks to prepare.  I made my first executive decision that the date would be changed - to which some grumbled.  The date was selected because it was the Chiefs bye week.  I didn't think it would be too hard to pick a new date.  I had to check the Chiefs schedule.  Then check the church schedule to make sure the room was available.  It was just logistics really, but it was a little more times consuming that I expected.  Next, I was approached by the church pot stirrer (trouble maker) that decided with new "management" we needed to change the chili recipe.  It didn't help that Jack agreed and poked a stick of encouragement to that idea.  I dug my feet in and stifled any thought of changing the recipe.  Everyone makes the exact same recipe and all are mixed together ensuring consistency.  It's a very Methodist recipe.  Actually, I like it.  If you want it spicy we provide hot sauce, jalapenos and onions, as well as cheese, Fritos, saltines, and various other condiments so you can make it to your liking. And for dessert, pie.    

I made announcements to all the Adult Sunday School classes, sold tickets and found people to make announcements in worship - I don't do that.  I arranged with the church secretary how/when the tables would be set up.  I made reminder calls this week.  Again, just logistics.  I really am good at that stuff.  

My second executive decision was regarding dessert.  I decided any dessert was welcome.  A friend made delicious cranberry bars.  I made hot chocolate cupcakes with marshmallow frosting.  (Annie LOVED them!  I think she had 2 1/2!)  One lady was surprised walking into the kitchen and commented "oh, any dessert?  Well, that's fun?!"  And gave me a funny look.  I sensed a bit of sarcasm but smiled, took her pie and said thank you.   She later commented that the bars were delicious!    

My final executive decision was the most well received.  As we emptied pots, pans, pie plates we washed them up and placed them on a table outside the kitchen and around the corner.  I didn't see any reason to have more people in the kitchen.  It just made sense and you would have thought I reinvented the wheel.  (wink!)  I just smiled.    

I was thanked by many and heard several people say, "why didn't we get rid of this years ago?  She makes it look easy!"  I simply said, "I couldn't have done it without your help."  And I passed out many thanks myself.  

We had more than enough people when the time came.  I passed out jobs and hoped I didn't come across bossy.  There were many hands that stayed around to help clean up.  I love it when I hear my Mom's voice saying "many hands make quick work" echoing in my head.  

Back in October I had a choice.  I could have said nothing.  We had been gone the week before when our class was approached asking for our help.  I could have let someone else step up - or not - but this luncheon is important to the Seekers.  Why not me?  I did it.  It was but a small sacrifice.  I made a difference.  I will not let the darkness win.  


When I got home I saw this... The Last Mile.  It's funny how many things go through your mind in situations like this.  I cried at the end.

Light wins again!


So, one of the things I signed up to bring to lunch was chopped onions.  I thought it said 5 lbs. of chopped onions.  So, that is what Jack did last night.  He chopped onions.  Five pounds worth.  That's a LOT of onions.  And it makes the house smelly.  There was one other lady that brought chopped onions.  Two pounds of chopped onions.  She said her house and refrigerator smelled, too.  Well, we didn't even open my large container of chopped onions.  So I brought it home.  Now the question is... what do I do with FIVE POUNDS of CHOPPED ONIONS?  My eyes are watering at the thought.  I made 1/2 cup onion popsicles.  No, I'm not going to force the kids to eat them.  I frequently use onion while cooking and I think I saw it on Pinterest once.  Either that or I made it up - who cares, it makes sense, right?
Squish onions into a muffin tin.
Pry them out with a spoon.
Place 6-12 in a freezer bag.
Perfect serving size for quick use!

The kids had youth group tonight.  The Christmas party was postponed until January 5th and they had a pizza, movie, study session (for those that needed or wanted to study).  Annie said she got overwhelmed with the noise, so she went into another room and knocked out a paper and started studying for finals.  I am shocked and amazed that she's related to me.  And very proud.

Tomorrow is Jack's first day.  I think he'll feel a lot better about the new job as soon as he gets Ginger trained in his old job.  Just in case you didn't hear, he's kind of a big deal.  ;-)

Two links - one to pray on and one to lift your soul;

Pray for Claire 

This little light of mine  (I apologize if there's a commercial before the song.)  I hadn't heard this version.  I love it!

Shows you what the power of love can do...

In every dark corner that I find, gonna let my little light shine!


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Grace and Sadness and Prayer

I started writing yesterday... 

This morning the weather is changing.  The kids left for school mad.  Mad, because we made them take the bus instead of Jake driving.  They left as the mist was falling.  By the time they got on the bus Annie said the mist was freezing on the pavement and it was very slippery getting onto the bus.  As it turned out there were many accidents at the major intersection north of the school and just a few blocks away a bus was involved in an accident, too. Thankfully, there were no injuries - though several totaled cars.  I know I am a protective Mama.  I know I will make my kids mad a few more times before they leave my nest.  And ya know what?  I'm ok with that! 

I read several other blogs.  I stumbled upon one by a Mom of four with a husband that frequently travels for business.  One day she was having a rough one and sent a text to her husband.  It went like this, "I just walked in to find his breakfast remnants still out on the counter and dried cereal in the sink. !? Why do I have to have this conversation EVERY SINGLE DAY???"  (You should know the "he" she is referring to is her 16 year old son.)  Oh, how I know the feeling.  But it was her husbands response that really made me stop and think.  "Because he is still a kid. We are still teaching him. He is still learning. He likes to learn the hard way. That has always been his issue. Go give him a hug. :)"  Ok, in all honesty, my very first thought 'oh that's easy for him to say, he's not home dealing with it day in and day out. But when I stopped and really thought about it, it was so absolutely true and something I really needed to hear.  

As you know, Jake has really struggled this semester.  I have heard myself say more than once in regards to a certain teacher, "I don't know why he yells, Jake doesn't respond to that."  Yet, I catch myself doing that very thing.  I struggle with grace.  I struggle with patience.  And, like most people, from time to time I reach my breaking point and I yell.  The kids run around like chickens trying to appease me.  And they tune me out.  In these moments, I need to take a deep breath, say a prayer, and give them a hug.  I was young once and my parents, siblings and the good Lord know I learned the hard way, too.  

It became official yesterday, Jack got the promotion!  There is still a bit of mystery as to which of the two jobs he will be doing.  He thought it was one, but was pulled into a meeting this morning that had a bit more to do with the other.  ??  It sounded like his morning was a lot of "ya, gotta meet Jack Diemer!"  and "Have ya met Jack Diemer?"  I think he's kind of a big deal.   :-)  Yay, Jack!  It's about time someone made a big deal about how awesome you are at work!  

I spent most of the morning running errands.  I had to get a headlight replaced, thankfully it was under warranty.  It wasn't just the bulb, it was the whole assembly and there was a defect.  I got a LOT of Christmas shopping done.  I'm not sure when or how I heard about the shooting in Colorado - honestly, time seemed to slow way down.  My errands and lists just didn't seem so important.  As soon as I got home I flipped on the tv.  I was in shock. How can this be happening again?  I know exactly where Arapahoe High School is.  I've driven past it many times.  It's very close to where Sarah and Matt use to live.  

that's where I left it...  I just didn't know what to write.  

I am still in a bit of disbelief.  I struggle to understand.  

My children will never know what it was like to go to school without Code Red and Code Red Lights Out drills.  It's as common place as a Fire or Tornado drill. !?  How sad.

Sarah said that Addy's old babysitter is a Senior at that school and on the very same debate team as the young man that killed himself.   How sad.

I saw on the news this morning that the front page of a Denver newspaper read simply "AGAIN".   How sad.

Today, I paused to remember the teachers and students that lost their lives in Newtown, CT. I can't think about it too hard or too long or I get lost in the sadness.  I read yesterday that when a reporter asked a Mother how she would spend today, she said "it's just another day without Dylan."  Ugh, so sad! 

What can I do with all this sadness?  Pray.  There is good in the world.  I know it.  The light will overtake the darkness.  I believe that in my soul.  How can I overcome it?  Be a light, don't add to the darkness.  


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

The trees are up - but not decorated.

No news to report other than that.

I saw this today.  I LOVED it and had to share.  I hope you enjoy it, too!
Angels We Have Heard on High

And this one made me laugh and think of my sweet boy, for some reason.
Rudolph - Merry Christmas

More soon, I promise!
