Friday, October 25, 2013


The house is quiet.  The kids don't have school today, so they are sleeping in.  I sit here and listen to the quiet.  Ok, there's a dog barking outside and I hear cars driving by, but those sounds are hushed. The sun is shining bright but it's cold outside.  The tv said 29 degrees.  I need to get motivated to get some errands and chores done but this blanket is so inviting.

I went out to dinner with co-workers last night.  Our group has changed a bit this year but still lovely ladies I enjoy spending time with.  Katie survived her first round of parent teacher conferences and we all wanted to celebrate.

Jack and I got to enjoyed the craziness that is Parent Teacher Conferences a few nights ago.  I assumed (yes, assumed) we would do the divide and conquer method but soon realized Jack wanted to see and hear all the teachers.  That probably would have been the case too, if there wouldn't have been so many stinking people.  I first got in line for Jake's Chemistry teacher - and Jack headed over to Algebra II.  I was in and out in no time.  She was very positive and I got the feeling that she truly knew Jake.  :-)  It was reassuring.  Jack continued to wait.  I saw more teachers on my own - Annie's english, social studies and biology teachers.  Jack talked to Jake's english and social studies teachers then waited for Annie's Geometry teacher.  It was good to hear from most of their teachers.  Some really truly know our kids and some seemed a bit scripted.  No matter, I smiled and thanked them for their time.

(I got distracted and hours passed)

The kids are up.  The day has turned crazy.  Jake has band rehearsal this afternoon.  Annie has decided she might try using her locker at school (yay!)  So, we are going up to a) find her locker. b) decide if it's location is worthy of Annie's time and c) open it.  She doesn't want to decorate it or even put a book in it.  "I have some studying to do this weekend."  Ok, then.  :-)  I'm just happy she is considering using it. 
Here's Annie at a concert with her friend Kate
and some friends on Wednesday night.

Jack was feeling a bit under the weather and worked from home a couple days this week.  He still has a bit of a cough but went back to work yesterday.  

So many things to be grateful for today... saw this and decided it sums up my gratitude.

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