Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's the eve of Halloween...

What are you doing?

Annie is busy carving her pumpkin.

I wasn't sure what it was going to look like...
but it did look like a awfully big hole.

Cool, huh?

Jake is busy studying for tests in Algebra II and Chemistry.

Jack is busy quizzing Jake.

And me?  Just taking a few minutes to blog and share some more feel good stuff...

20 pictures of people making a difference

and you may have seen this on the news but this guy has the right idea about doing Gods work.

I just prayed

and this one made me cry...

God Bless!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Memories of my all time favorite roller coaster!

Saw this and it made me smile... 

Zambezi Zinger  <- click on it, Dad

I remember going to Worlds of Fun the year it opened with Marlene, Scott and... a friend of Marlene's.  I can't remember who, but I'm sure she does.  We got to the Zambezi Zinger and I cried because I wasn't 4 skulls tall.  And if my memory is correct, Scott cried because Marlene made him go on it.  Ba ha ha ha!  

Yes, the seating arrangement could be a bit uncomfortable if you didn't know the person you rode with --- I remember once in particular sitting in front of a boy and holding onto the back of the seat in front of us for dear life making sure I left plenty of room between us.  My arms hurt so much by the end of that ride.  Ha!  (Jack even commented on that part of it.)

After a bit of research by Jack, it is now called the Broca ( somewhere in Columbia.

It has been fun to reminisce...  :-)

And one thing, just because it made me feel good...  Strangers... or not. ? (sorry Dad, lots of clicking tonight!)   It truly made me think about how much I'm missing.  

We are off to the band, Freshman Band and Jazz band concert.  It will be the last time we hear the band play the show music.  :-)   I am so thankful for videos and the memories they will always bring back.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Batter Up!

I'm hoping to find a better video soon, but for now here is a their preliminary performance yesterday at the Shawnee Mission North Invitational.  I was told their performance in St. Louis was better and hope to get a copy of it.

As you watch - Jake starts out in the back middle.  His tuba is on second base.  As the program continues he is usually tuba on the far left.


BATTER UP! Blue Valley West Red and Silver Brigade 2013 (Preliminary)

BATTER UP! SMN Invitational Finals.  (the quality isn't as good, but the crowd was REALLY fired up!  We have always been told the parents job is to make noise and the band will feed off our energy. I sure think it's true.  :-)


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Did ya know... ?

I'll bet you didn't know...

We moved to Hiawatha when I was 4 and lived there four years.

And I'll be you didn't know...

today was Jake's last band competition for this year.

They got Best Drum Majors - Best Visual Show - AND Grand Champions!  They won their division and took first place in Finals!  A perfect ending to the year.

ready to take the field.

Jake - next to his tuba

Shawnee Mission North Invitational

low brass...

tuba power

under the lights
warming up

great form!

it was cold!
Jack was snug.

We got to see Topeka West!
I have fond memories of marching
my freshman year of high school.
(Can you believe it was over 30 years ago!?)
That's crazy!

This is Matt
His mom is a childhood friend of mine, Karla.
He's in the Topeka West pit.

Ready for awards
3 Senior Drum Majors
and 4 Seniors from the Dance Team.

What a fun, exhausting day!


Friday, October 25, 2013


The house is quiet.  The kids don't have school today, so they are sleeping in.  I sit here and listen to the quiet.  Ok, there's a dog barking outside and I hear cars driving by, but those sounds are hushed. The sun is shining bright but it's cold outside.  The tv said 29 degrees.  I need to get motivated to get some errands and chores done but this blanket is so inviting.

I went out to dinner with co-workers last night.  Our group has changed a bit this year but still lovely ladies I enjoy spending time with.  Katie survived her first round of parent teacher conferences and we all wanted to celebrate.

Jack and I got to enjoyed the craziness that is Parent Teacher Conferences a few nights ago.  I assumed (yes, assumed) we would do the divide and conquer method but soon realized Jack wanted to see and hear all the teachers.  That probably would have been the case too, if there wouldn't have been so many stinking people.  I first got in line for Jake's Chemistry teacher - and Jack headed over to Algebra II.  I was in and out in no time.  She was very positive and I got the feeling that she truly knew Jake.  :-)  It was reassuring.  Jack continued to wait.  I saw more teachers on my own - Annie's english, social studies and biology teachers.  Jack talked to Jake's english and social studies teachers then waited for Annie's Geometry teacher.  It was good to hear from most of their teachers.  Some really truly know our kids and some seemed a bit scripted.  No matter, I smiled and thanked them for their time.

(I got distracted and hours passed)

The kids are up.  The day has turned crazy.  Jake has band rehearsal this afternoon.  Annie has decided she might try using her locker at school (yay!)  So, we are going up to a) find her locker. b) decide if it's location is worthy of Annie's time and c) open it.  She doesn't want to decorate it or even put a book in it.  "I have some studying to do this weekend."  Ok, then.  :-)  I'm just happy she is considering using it. 
Here's Annie at a concert with her friend Kate
and some friends on Wednesday night.

Jack was feeling a bit under the weather and worked from home a couple days this week.  He still has a bit of a cough but went back to work yesterday.  

So many things to be grateful for today... saw this and decided it sums up my gratitude.

Share... everyday.
It's free.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What happened to Autumn?

It seems like Fall gets faster and faster each year.  With marching band taking up so much of Jake's time the first nine weeks of school are a blur.  We spent this last weekend in St. Louis at the Bands of America Regional Competition.  The BVW had a Saturday morning wake up call set for 4:45 a.m., so they left school at 2:00 p.m. on Friday - which gave them time for dinner, to their hotel and settled with lights out by 9 p.m.  It was raining, so Jack and I decided to head out early too, and got Annie out of school and got on the road at 2:30.  We never saw a bus or equipment truck and arrived a little after 7, just missing Happy Hour at our hotel.   Jack and I grabbed dinner at an Italian restaurant in the hotel and brought some back for Annie.  We had a relaxing evening - I colored Annie's hair and Jack did a little exploring.  It's funny, when the kids were little we often chose a hotel with a pool.  I can't recall the last time we packed our suits for an overnight.

There were 64 amazing bands performing Friday and Saturday with rankings shared at 4:30 on Saturday afternoon.  There may be some small part of me that would like to sit and watch all the bands, but only a very small part.  After an hour or two I found myself on sensory overload.  The band performed at 9:00 a.m.  We stayed at the same hotel as our friends Brian and Lisa, so the guys got up early and joined the band at 7:15 to help unload the trucks and schlep the equipment to and from the performance.  Lisa and I had breakfast with Annie, then got Annie and Suzy settled in to spend a few hours hanging out in the hotel room.  We had to wait a bit for tickets - only because I choose the wrong line.  Lisa picked a longer line that was efficient and she got done way before me. BUT we got in with enough time to spare that we each got our boys a BOA jacket and had them put an iron on transfer of their instrument name.  
Jake's jacket.
I don't think he's taken off since he got it.

The band did great.  Their show is fun and cutesy.  
< As they prepared to take the field.
> "warm ups"

This place is huge!

from the field...

It was very cool to see band people really get their show
and stand up with their hands over their hearts as the band 
played a portion of the National Anthem.

They looked great.

Jake twisted his ankle during their performance and was exhausted.  I think their 9:00 p.m. lights out was... not followed.  And Jack's feet were hurting.  His shoes were not forgiving on the concrete. 
Not a bad view on Suzy's walk.
The park right next to our hotel was between the Arch and the Old Courthouse.

Our room with a view.

Walking back from lunch...

After a morning full of walking - and sore feet, Jack decided we needed to take the trolley.  
Brian and Jack on the "trolley"
it was just a bus,
we waited longer than we rode,
which was only about six blocks.
(still makes me giggle)
I thought it would be funny having the guys sit together...
and it was.

Unfortunately, most judges don't like fun and cutesy - I think only one did.  There were many dark topic shows - i.e., What if... (what if this or that - what if there was no music, and the entire band put down their instruments and sang.  Ok, that part was cool but...)     We ranked 30th overall.  Not bad.  We were in the top half.  Our new director did the best she could with what she was given.  It will be exciting to see what she does next year. Saturday night we had planned to go to Finals.  The band had planned to go no matter what - either to perform or just watch.  Jack was tired, still fighting foot pains and starting to show symptoms of a cold.  We hadn't gotten him a ticket, so he and Brian decided to hang back at the hotel and watch a bit of college football.  

Annie joined Lisa and I and we walked back to the dome.  The performances were AMAZING! The only bummer was the little boy sitting behind us giving us his commentary.  Play, by play, blow by blow.  He was so excited but SO terribly annoying to Annie.  And after about half a performance his enthusiasm was pushing me close to the edge.  I did my best to channel my sisters loving kindness and asked him between bands to talk very quietly when the bands were performing.  To which his Grandma said, "see, I told you so!"  We did hear a few more comments, "WOW, I get it!"  And he joyfully ran laps after several performances with his little flag flying high.  I found it cute.  Oh how I wish I would have taken his picture. We all agreed he will someday be a flag dude.  Annie never got past annoyed.  (giggle)  We sat fairly close to the band - hoping to grab the boys and avoid a walk to the buses, since they parked were several blocks away in the opposite direction than the hotel.  But no such luck.  We grabbed the boys and headed back.  We gave them the trolley option but it was quickly vetoed.  We returned to find Jack and Brian in the hotel lobby commanding the remote.  (more giggles)  It must have been a pretty darn powerful feeling sitting in a hotel lobby because both of them commented about it and smiled.     

We had breakfast together on Sunday morning before the Pfeiff's headed home.  I had promised both kids they could take some pictures before we left down so we headed to Laclede's Landing.  In one grassy area Annie found a little plastic igloo with blankets, food and kittens nestled inside.  She was so excited.  And they were adorable.

Jack took Suzy for a stroll along the Mississippi.

Then I took one more picture of the Arch before we headed home.

We had a quiet, uneventful trip home. 

We are expecting our first hard freeze tonight.  :-)  


Monday, October 14, 2013

Time to catch up

Ok, I have to go back a few weeks, so bare with me.  I was trying to figure out how to do this quick and concise, I will do my best.

*  Jake got his Restricted Driver's License and Annie got her Learner's Permit.  It's been a busy few weeks and unfortunately Jake isn't driving to school, YET.  He needs a bit more practice navigating the clutch before we let him lose.

I was going to post a picture of them holding their papers
but the cards arrived in the mail today.  Yeah!

*  The band went to their first competition - Webbstock, in Webb City, MO.  Due to storms the competition was moved into the gymnasium.  It was small and HOT.  But, thankfully, we waited patiently and were able to squeeze in and watch the two bands ahead of BVW performed.  They were incredible and produced an amazing sound.  We drove down with friends and didn't stick around for awards.  We were delighted to hear the band came in 2nd!  Woo hoo!
In an attempt to keep the pretty new uniforms dry...

The tuba cases sitting in the rain...

An outstanding performance!

*  Marlene brought my folks over to watch the Blue Valley District Marching Exhibition.  This is an opportunity for all the bands / parents to watch all the 5 High School marching bands.  It's not a competition, just fun.  It was a chilly night, but enjoyed by all.

Dad, Mom and Marlene
(yes, the lady in the background in a t-shirt and capris was really cold later!)

Jake is on the 50 yard line in the back.

* I was on Facebook and got a little treat.  I was looking at pictures of First UMC's Movie Night and look who I found...

Yep, right there in the middle in their ole faithful chairs -
my folks.
They said, "we were the oldest ones there 
and didn't last too long, it was COLD!  
And the movie was not so good."

* Jack's Mom, Paula, came to visit.  It was a quick, crazy visit but packed with fun.

* We all got to enjoy Lauren and CJ's rehearsal dinner on Friday night (October 4th) - BVW had a football game postponed to Saturday afternoon due to severe weather predicted.  We were able to get home before the storms started but there was a lot of lightning in the area near the football stadium. 

Paula, Jack and Jake chatting before dinner and the rehearsal started.

Annie rehearsing...

* I made the mistake of giving Paula a piece of gum on the way to the rehearsal dinner.  She doesn't chew gum very often, and it pulled out a crown.  After a second trip to Walgreen's in search of temporary solution, Jack helped get it back in place...

Dr. Jack Diemer, DDS helping his Mom.

* Paula and I got up early to help Sue set up for the wedding.  I met Jack in Grandview to get Annie and Paula went back with Jack to spend a bit of time watching Jake during band rehearsal, eat lunch, shower and get ready for the wedding.

* Jake was disappointed that he didn't get to march / enjoy Senior recognition but the schedule between half time and the wedding starting was too tight.

* Annie got to be a spoiled Junior Bridesmaid for Lauren.  Hair, make-up, food, fancy dress, pretty jewelry and beautiful boutique.  

Hair - check!

Make up - check!

Bridal party photo shoot - check!

hamming it up for the camera with Shelby

Annie and the beautiful bride!

Flowers - check!

Almost time!

Mischief maker...

Beautiful girl!

*  Lauren and CJ's wedding was perfect.  The weather was beautiful, the food was delicious and the kids had a great time dancing the night away!  I got to bust a few moves too!  


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Daugherty

Annie got a little help down from CJ's brother Nick.

Don't mess with us!

Sibling love, he gave her his jacket and hat.


Danced until the DJ left.
What a fun night!

* Mid term tests.  Ugh!

*  The kids enjoyed a much needed Friday off.  I can't believe it's already the of the first 9 weeks of school.  

* I enjoyed a training class by MK Mueller.  She's written several books and is an outstanding speaker.  Good stuff!!  The highlights were sharing 3 things your grateful for every day - with no repeats.  (which I have been trying to get into the habit of doing)   If something good happens to you, tell 8 people.  If something bad happens to you, take 8 minutes - cry, scream, whatever you need to do to feel it, then let it go.  Take risks.  Be kind, be happy.  Be your own motivation - speak it as if it's already happened.  For instance, this morning I told Annie it was going to be a great week!  Speak it and make it happen!  (Then I told her to be kind, be sweet and make good choices, which always makes her smile.)

* TULSA!  Jack and I did a bit of divide and conquering.  He got up early on Saturday (10-12) took the boys to breakfast and got them to band by 7 a.m.  He then returned to help pack the trucks at 8:30 and rode down to Tulsa on one of them.  Annie had play set building, so we left at noon.  The band performed at 3:30 - so I didn't waste any time.  I didn't think I'd make it, but as luck would have it, I got to see part of their show from outside the fence in the outfield.  I hooted and hollered, and Annie (who was sitting in the car) was pretty sure she was the only person that could hear me.  Oh well, I tried.  Right after that I went to the hotel and checked in, leaving Annie and Suzy to relax while I returned to hear the class standings and finalists announced.  I squeezed in with friends in the front row.  BVW was not recognized in the top three bands in class 2A - however they WERE selected to perform in finals!  Woo Hoo!  The 12 bands that performed were AMAZING!  Some more amazing that others, but all AMAZING!  Interestingly enough, BVW was the smallest band in the top 12.  Their finals performance was "dynamite!" according to Mrs. Kimball, their director.  "Best ever!"  And she made it clear that no matter what, she was proud of their performance.  As it turned out, BVW came in 12th.  "it doesn't matter what the judges score is.  You guys performed your best!"  I think sometimes the judges just don't like a show and no matter how well it's performed it doesn't score as well.  It's still a big deal to place in the top 12!  And I'm very proud of them!

Jack schlepping - he's pulling the cart

There's just something about performing under the lights...

I'm so proud of them!

Some of the Blue Valley West families
Yes, that's me waving in the background,
I didn't realize it was of the group.

We had an interesting evening avoiding the 
bugs (some ginormous) and balloon spiders.
If you're going to sit that high... wear a jacket with a hood!

Finale - presentation of awards.

Jake is three or fours rows from the back, middle right.

* Jake didn't seem too bothered by it.  He was tired and hungry and we were all thankful we didn't have to make the long drive home.  Jack was exhausted and the first to crawl into bed and fall asleep. 

* There was some heartbreaking news in Tulsa.  After prelim's the Bentonville band was told of their Assistant Director's death the night before.  His name was Zachary Roddy.  He was killed in a car accident on the way to Tulsa.  He had taken his seat belt off to get something out of his pocket and was not wearing it at the time of the accident.  Peter Hilborn, his passenger/co-worker/roommate WAS wearing his and survived the accident with a partially collapsed lung, fractured sternum and other injuries.  Mr. Hilborn was brought by ambulance to watch Bentonvilles finals performance and released from the hospital on Sunday.  Mr. Roddy had worked in Tulsa until this year when he took a position in Bentonville and it was truly tragic news.   It brought tears to my eyes as our band members held up yellow signs that read, "Roddy would be proud"   The Tulsa band community is tight and Mrs. Kimball (our director) knew him well.  Please keep his family, students and many friends in your prayers as they celebrate his life on Wednesday, 10-16.

* TODAY!  Jake got his braces off!  Sadly, he would not pose for a picture.  Well, that's not true.  He posed for many pictures but he didn't approve of any.  Personally, I liked the mule picture.  I'm serious, his mouth looked mule-like... but he wrestled the phone away from me and deleted it.  Then there was the cheese face with squinty eyes, but he took my phone away from me and deleted that one, too.  He has his last orthodontist appointment tomorrow.  I'm hoping for one then.

2.11.12 - Braces on

10.14.13 - Braces off!
Isn't he handsome?!

Jake drove to and from his ortho appointment.
He's getting more and more comfortable behind the wheel of his car.
A word to the wise, when sitting at a stoplight with him don't say "no pressures!"
Yep, he killed it.

I'm certain there are bits and pieces I've missed, but this is what's memorable.  My Aunt Margaret's funeral in October 26th.  We will not be attending in person, but will be there in spirit.  I have taken comfort in knowing she is with her beloved, my Uncle Ernie and our Heavenly Savior.  