Friday, August 12, 2016

Time for SCHOOL! ?

At first glance I thought Jake was sad his sister is a senior... growing up...
but then I realized he was just sad because he would be at work 
longer than she would be at school.

Ha ha ha ha!

Welcome to adulthood, Jake.

Yep, these are the best I got.

These two hams had it all planned out, too.
Thanks, guys.

(Can you believe how tall Jake is? When did that happen?)


Annie started school yesterday.  I can hardly believe it's already time.  And it's by far the earliest they've ever started.  Personally, I feel they should wait until after the Olympics are over, every four years.  

Here is Annie's schedule and I've included some explanation for some classes that you may not be familiar with.

Field Biology
Advanced Repertory Theatre - is more than just set design and construction. It's a year long course made up of Juniors and Seniors who are leaders in the department.  Each crew head, Annie is the crew head of sound for all productions, oversees a crew in accomplishing tasks that help prepare the department's productions.  During this class student leaders have a chance to meet, discuss, and plan events and activities for the rep theatre student and the theatre department as a whole. 
Photography II - we're talking old school black and white / darkroom and all.
Portfolio Seminar - this portfolio preparation class is designed for students interested in post-high school study of art.  Students will work mostly in two-dimensional form.  This class is designed for the highly motivated student.  October 22 is Portfolio Day - the day she will meet with art schools.  December 1 is when college applications are due.
AP English Literature
Painting II
Textile Design & Fibers - this course includes both the creation of woven and meshed materials and the surface decoration of pre-woven fabrics. The elements of art and principles of design are stressed as they apply to form and surface decoration. Annie has taken this class before, this time she will be working off a list of projects the teacher has never done before.  Annie is very excited.

Yes, that's seven classes.

When she got home yesterday I asked, "How was your day?"  She said, "It's frustrating when I got use to being around students that actually wanted to learn."  She was referring to her time at Kansas City Art Institute.  I had a feeling this might happen.  I can say with certainty her attention right now is to focus on building a strong portfolio.  But after that she will probably be counting the number of days she has left in high school.

All I know is it's going to go WAY too fast.

Jake and I, and his girlfriend, Taylor, drove up to St. Joseph this morning.  We stopped at Panera and he talked to the manager about transferring.  The store is a lot bigger than the one he currently works at and the manager scared him a little.  She's going to call his current manager. 

Then we went to Mo West (Missouri Western) where Jake got his books, student ID, and parking pass.  He wanted to talk to one of his music instructors but he wasn't in.  And he wasnted to check out the dorm, but guess what!?  We couldn't because there were still Chiefs players living there.  That was a surprise.

None the less it was a fruitful trip and we were back home by 12:30.

I think Jake is excited.  He moves in a week from tomorrow.

Jack is still plugging away.  Please keep him in your prayers.

I am not getting as many hours at work, so decided to add something totally different.  I applied for a part-time position at The Container Store at 119th and Roe.  I had a group interview on Wednesday evening.  There were 7 applicants and 2 managers.  We were given a homework assignment and each took turns presenting... thankfully that did NOT mean standing in front of the group.  It went really well and I left excited about the company and prospect of working there.  Today, I got an email asking my availability to come back in for a one-on-one interview.  I will hopefully go back sometime early next week.

Pilot just came running in like his tail is on fire - super excited - doing victory laps.

He is such a weirdo but we sure love him.


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