Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Post nasal drip...

Drip, drip, drip.  All.  Day.  Long.  Throw in a sneeze here and there and guess what?  I have allergies!  Ugh!  I haven't gotten a break.  I am still on antibiotics for crying out loud!  

I threw some clothes in the washer... and with my hands full the drips dropped on the clothes.  

I leaned over to take off my shoes and the faucet opened wide.  ?  What the heck!?

Time of some another dose of antihistamine and I'm off to bed.

But first a quick update - the kids are good.  They are both in full blown test and project deadline mode.  Annie was quite stressed this afternoon but is doing great now.  She starts swimming tomorrow in gym - ugh! AND they're not splitting the class up - boys and girls.  ? It was my understanding that only girls would be swimming with girls but their class is small.  ?  I have to admit that would give me anxiety when I was a freshman.  Thankfully my school didn't have a pool.

Annie finally cracked the Mom code:  probably = yes and maybe or we'll see = no.  :-)

I love that Jake likes to dance with me.  We don't need music.  At random times almost everyday he mosey's over to me and we dance.  Sometimes he twirls me.  Sometimes we start humming the same exact song.  It always makes us BOTH smile.  

Jack has been BUSY at work.  He was planning a trip next week - but it got cancelled.  

At school we are trying to be conscience of the number of times we say no, don't and stop. They are wanting us to become more aware of our word choices and try to eliminate those particular words from our vocabulary.  This morning I didn't say any.  Not even one!  This afternoon... I lost count.  Ugh!  It's a learning processing.  I'm glad we didn't decide to put marbles or M&M's in a jar - like a curse jar, as a visual aid.  Wish me luck.

I got a wicked paper cut today from a cardboard box.  Y'OUCH!  It's on the knuckle of my ring finger.  I made hot chocolate cupcakes with marshmellow frosting.  They're delicious!

Ok, I'm rambling.  I've probably forgotten something significant but that will have to wait for another day.


Sunday, March 2, 2014


The snow was not as bad as predicted.  You could still see blades of grass peeking out above the snow/sleet/ice.  Our church was one of the few that held services this morning.  We did not venture out.  I had a nice chat with my folks.  Dad mentioned how nice it was to visit on a Sunday morning, definitely a rarity and greatly enjoyed.  He is working so hard on our family genealogy.  I appreciate all the time he is putting into this.  It is something that I will cherish.   

We got the text, tweets, and emails at 4:29 p.m., no school tomorrow.  Boo!  Although I half expected it I wanted to be wrong, but with a predicted wind chill in the morning of 30 below zero... I had a feeling.  I think Jack was surprised.  The snow plow had already made it through our neighborhood. He had already shoveled the driveway.  

The kids were giddy.  Yes, giddy!  At one point I said, "come on kids, not so quiet!"  ?  Then we all laughed.  They are LOUD and excited!  I wish I would have taken a video of them laughing and carrying on.  It really was hilarious.  

Oh, yesterday I made those bacon pancake sticks.  The family consensus was, "eh".  Jack thought they masked the yummy bacon goodness.  Jake thinks they would have been much better if made with thick sliced real bacon - not turkey bacon.  I've filed the recipe under not worth the effort.  

Jake thinks continuing to study for his Chemistry test is ridiculous.  BUT Jack is winning that war.

I am planted in front of the tv watching the Oscar hype.  I asked Annie if she wanted to get all dolled up and watch with me.  Jake said, "no.  You're not Frankie Heck," she's the Mom on The Middle tv show.  Ha!  Ok, so I'm still in my pajamas.  :-)

Time to make some dinner.

Stay warm!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

If all else fails, I'll make french toast!

I'm sitting here watching the news this morning.  The headlines are all about Snow Prep and Winter Storm Warnings. All I can think is Ugh!  And...

Ha ha!
French Toast fixin's!

I decided to color my hair yesterday morning before Therapy Group... I was using a brand I hadn't used for a while.  I got everything mixed together and started applying the mix.  It didn't take long before I thought something was different.  Jack asked about the color because usually it doesn't take long to see something, but this just looked like moisturizer. As it turned out I had forgotten to add the color.  (eye roll)  I had opened it and set it on the side of the tub, thinking it was conditioner.  Oh dear!  I added the color and mixed it with the remaining solution.  My head was already covered.  At the time I was concerned I would have a head of gray hair.  I had not forgotten the neutralizer.  I was so nervous.  There was NO time to correct this error if it was bad.  I waited.  I watched the news and the clock.  I got up a few times to check my head.  Ugh!  The waiting was painful.  In the end it turned out ok.  The color is inconsistent but not gray.  The worst part is it feels as dry as a haystack.  I'm going to put a moisture treatment on it tomorrow.  Wish me luck.  

I should probably get around and make a run to the store.  The longer I wait, the longer the lines will be.  Actually, I probably need a few other things.  I know, it's kind of a joke but we always keep an extra gallon of milk on hand since Jake LOVES cereal. 

--- Blog delay ---

Ok, I'm back from Sam's Club.  It was a painless trip.  I made a quick list before I left and checked with Jack to make sure he didn't need anything and he added toothpaste to the list. I love having a business membership - early hours, breakfast and coffee as we walk in. Thank you, Miss Janet's Daycare.  I'm pretty sure Jack's folks would agree.  Even if Al has to take some ribbing from his friends.  Yes, he is Big Al from Miss Janet's Daycare.  :-)

I have to admit, it's already bone chilling cold outside.  Seriously!  I put on my gloves as I walked back out to the car.  As I stood there putting items in my trunk I was thankful for a long coat, with hood up and gloves on.  Brrrr!

Jake is helping his friend, Ethan, and his Mom clean out his Grandma's house today in Independence.  Update:  I picked them up at 3:30.   Jake brought home lots of treasures (junk).  A lava lamp, a zebra cane, a funky wind chimey looking thing, a cooler (but Mom, we can never  have enough coolers), and a power screwdriver set.  Oh well, he was excited.  :-)  

Annie has some art projects.  I will try to sneak a few new pictures from her sketchbook. Yes, I said sneak.  She wouldn't even let me admire her work last night.   She had a temporary freak out when she couldn't find a part of her project.  She turned her room upside down and emptied her backpack looking for it.  :-(  No luck.  She doesn't seem concerned about it now.   

Only 8 school days until Spring Break and the end of the 3rd quarter.  This year is flying by - crazy fast.  Jake may - or may not, depending on his grades - be going to Colorado with a friend.  We are still waiting for a phone call from his friends parents to discuss the details. He has a Chemistry test on Monday.  He had a test last week in Algebra II and got an 85. Jack and I were very happy with the grade.  Jake was not, he thought he'd done better.  He was mad at his silly little mistakes.  Hopefully, he'll take that to heart and pay closer attention to details.  I know he can do it.  

BOTH kids are hoping for a snow day on Monday.  Annie starts a swimming unit in Gym on Monday.  She was trying to explain to me that girls swim in a sports bra and spandex shorts. !?... all she got from me was a blank stare in disbelief.  And Jake would get an extra study hall before his Chemistry test.  We will just have to wait and see - and be prepared, regardless.

This weekend is the Woodworking show.  There was no breakfast with the brotherhood.  I think Jack was a little disappointed.  This will be the first time in... I don't remember how many years that they won't be getting together.  Jack hasn't decided yet if he'll go down to the show.  I think he's leaning toward not going.

In other news, our new carpet is IN!  No, it's not installed, yet.  We've had a busy few days and haven't called to schedule installation.  I think I will start moving, packing, etc., today. Along with the packing, I will be taking down all my snowmen.  I just realized as I'm typing that they perhaps are the culprits of this unending cold weather.  ?  I don't know.  I may be superstitious... from this day forward, the snow people will be packed up the end of January!  

I'm going to make something new for breakfast... with turkey bacon.

I'll let you know how they turn out.

And to everyone I know that isn't in Florida, stay warm and safe.  And to all, I hope you stay healthy!
