Saturday, July 30, 2016

Annie's Art Exhibition

First, I'm happy to say, my girl is HOME!

Last night was pretty exciting. At 6:00 p.m. we gathered at the Kansas City Art Institute (KCAI) for the Pre-College Art Lab Exhibition.  We started out in the same large room where orientation took place almost three weeks ago but this time friends and extended family joined students and parents.  The room was practically overflowing.  There were not enough chairs and even after additional chairs here added many still stood in the back and along the walls.  The director said a few words and many thank you's.  A couple students won goody bags for their Instagram challenge participation.  (If you have Instagram you can find Annie's artwork at jdartjazz.)  There were more than a dozen people there to support our girl.  Friends from school and church and a couple teachers join us and followed Annie to her first classroom.  

Each student is asked to choose one area of focus and Annie chose illustration.  Annie was also given the opportunity to try some graphic design and really enjoyed typography.
Illustration projects

Standing proudly with her work.

Next, it was on to her life drawing classroom.  All student, no matter their focus were required to spend time on their figure drawing.

Annie's figure drawing works.

This was Annie's favorite and received many compliments from her teachers and peers.

Annie and some of her friends that came to support her.

Yesterday afternoon, each student had a portfolio review with an admissions counselor. Annie was given some very good information, both constructive criticism and complementary.  Annie really utilized her time well, and gained as much insight as she could.  During time on campus she also spoke to several RA's and TA's and was given guidelines on how she should focus her time and ways to make her portfolio stronger.  

I know every parent goes through this but it was so interesting to listen to her talk about aspects of art that leave me baffled.  There is so much I know nothing about.  She patiently answered all my questions and I am in awe of her knowledge.  This program gave her the opportunity to completely immerse herself in art school for 10+ hours per day, Monday - Friday for 3 weeks.  What she gained is so much more than I ever expected.    

Portfolio Day is October 22.  This event is when 38 colleges from across the nation have representatives at KCAI available for four short hours to review high students work.  It is crazy! There are LONG lines and last year I was used as a place holder, so she could better utilize her time. Jack is going with us this year, as another place holder.

Annie would like to have 10-12 new pieces to add to her portfolio.  She is taking 3 art classes in school, in addition to Portfolio Seminar which is a class dedicated to getting her works and commentary in order before presenting them for review.  

More moments of awe for this Momma.  Annie has grown so much as an artist and as a person in 3 weeks.       

This is an exciting time.  I'll keep you posted!  


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