Friday, November 21, 2014

5 Bits of Goodness

It's time to write about something good.  Something positive.  Good things have been happening to Annie and I don't want all the other stuff to negate all the goodness that is surrounding her.

#1  Annie join NAHS (National Art Honor Society).  It's exciting to have her join an extra curricular activity.

#2  We received the following email from Annie's photography teacher and it's too good not to share;

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Diemer, 

I wanted to take a minute and just let you know that Annie is doing a fabulous job in photography right now.  She really understands composition, lighting, and how it all works together.  Already after only 10 weeks she is one of my top photo students and her work really stands out.  She is very creative but also possesses the knowledge, patience, maturity and ability to follow through on those ideas to create very solid work.  I am not sure of Annie's plans for the future, I know she is still young and probably excels in many areas, but I do hope that art is a part of her plans.  Based on the work I have seen her do last year and this year, I feel I would not be doing my job well if I didn't relay to you that Annie has a special gift and talent in art.  She effortlessly comes up with ideas, solves problems as they arise and seems to find such joy in the process of creating the art she makes.  She is a natural and is very successful in her ideas and output.  I believe every student who loves or enjoys art should continue to keep it in their life, but there are only a few students who I honestly believe could go on to successfully make art their career.  Annie is one of those students that if she chose an art career I could see her being very successful based on the skills she has shown already.  I'm not sure if that is even a consideration or interest in her mind, but as her teacher I just thought I'd put forth my observations.  I believe Annie is very talented and has the necessary skills, mind set, and creative ability to do very well in the art world if she would ever choose. She is a pleasure to work with and you have done a great job raising a wonderful and well rounded young lady. You should be very proud of her. 

Aimee Price

We are indeed proud of our girl and it will be exciting to see how art influences her future.  

#3 Annie is taking art classes on Tuesday afternoon with a couple friends.  They go to a woman's home for an hour and a half and create.  Their options are truly limitless.  It is an extraordinary opportunity and Annie is loving it.
Their first class they took a walk,
sat in the grass and Annie drew this.

#4  Annie was selected for EKL (East Kansas League) art competition in Gardner in the spring.  This year each teacher selected two students rather than the Art Department selecting students.  Annie was chosen by her photography teacher.  It's a big honor and Annie is excited. 

#5  And finally, you may or may not have heard... Annie has a boyfriend.  His name is Jordan.  I've been lucky enough to get to know him over the last six months or more of driving them to youth group in Olathe and many, many concerts.  He's a good kid and I like him.  

Hoping to report more goodness soon...


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