Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27th

School is... going.  The preschoolers are adjusting, slowly.  I am adjusting... to a new building, new people.  Jake and Annie are adjusting.  We have had some bumps in the road. And more drama (with Jake and Annie) than I can remember at the beginning of any school year.  We've had some tough days.  TOUGH!  We've had disappointment and tears. BUT,  I hope we've gotten it out of the way.  Hope.  Pray.  

Today was a better day.  And I'll take it!

I guess our biggest news is Jake decided on a college he wants to visit.  Surprisingly, it's not K-State. It's Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph.  We won't schedule a visit until Spring but it's exciting that he's thinking about it.  :-)  

Jack thought his golf league might be rained out tonight, but that was not the case.  He was glad.  He had hoped to shoot less than 40 for the first time in ages.  That was not the case. He lost a ball on each of the first two holes.  He ended up with a 43, his average.  Friday is his last schedule day off to play golf. The forecast is rainy.  Finger's crossed he gets to play Firekeeper Golf Course, North of Topeka.  It's supposed to be one of the nicest public courses in the state!  I do hope he gets to play.

Just in case anyone is wanting to see Jake and the Red and Silver Brigade perform here are a list of dates and times:

Football games at the DAC ~District Activity Center (135th St./Switzer)
Sept. 4th @ 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 19th @ 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 9th @ 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 25th @ 7:00 p.m.

Other performances:
Sept. 29th @ 7:00 p.m. Blue Valley School District Marching Exhibition (@ the DAC)
Oct. 4th - Blue Springs Invitational (time: TBD)
Oct. 11th - Lee's Summit North Marching Competition (time: TBD)
We would love to have you join us.  Just let me know so we can save you a seat.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

She's 15!

I can't believe today is Annie's 15th birthday!  

It's exciting and scary and positively unreal.

What did she get for her birthday?  An easel, a pair of shoes, an organizer, a purse, some clothes, money and a fish in a fishbowl with a "sleeping leaf" and a snail (the fish is a Beta named Juniper and the snail is named Charlie) from Jake.  The cupcakes are cooling right now.  White cake with strawberry frosting was this years request.  And sliced strawberries on the side.  

I made dinner for youth group tonight.  Annie chose beef and vegetable lasagna with salad, bread, fruit and cupcakes.  It was a good group and they ate all the salad and bread.  I had bought two loaves but didn't think the kids would eat that much so left one at home.  I should have known.  

I hope this is just the beginning of an amazing year for her.  She already has plans to attend three concerts in September and October.  I get to join her, Jake and a couple friends for at least one.  Yay!  (No sarcasm intended.)

OK, going backwards a bit to bring you all up to speed on the last month.

It seems like we were caught in a whirlwind of busy since mid July but we got to see lots of family and friends.  

Al and Paula came to visit.  I don't think we checked everything off their to-do list but it was a beautiful day.  

We went to Sophie's first birthday party and Manhattan.  Annie got to go with us this time but Jake had to work.  We stopped in Topeka and picked up my folks.  


I went up to the new school a couple times and helped Katie unpack our classroom.  We have since found a place for everything and are looking forward to our first full day with kids tomorrow.  We have a full class and the afternoon in particular will be LOUD and crazy with our class of mostly rambunctious 4 and 5 year old boys.  We only have three girls and they are all quite shy.

We geared up for marching band season.  Jake had a very successful two week band camp and he is very excited about their show.  I will post their show schedule soon in case anyone can come watch a performance.  They have TWO local competitions and TWO Bands of America (BOA) competitions this year which I am very excited about.  The BOA competitions are in St. Louis and San Antonio and a BIG deal.  

I really do love having company and we've had a bunch but I was bad about taking pictures.

Our friends, Jenn and Gavin Wickham were in town visiting from Tanzania.  We hosted a dinner and Jack smoked a brisket and burnt ends.  Jenn's request was chewable meat.  She was delighted.   

Annie's friend Grace from Maryland was with us for a week.  The girls were busy.  We (yes, I went too) went to an all day concert on Thursday.  All day.  I thought there were about 60 bands... I was wrong.  There were over 120!  Actually, I left for several hours and went to The Legends.  If I had to limit my description to just a few words they would be LOUD and great people watching.  It was called Warped Tour.  Annie is already planning to go again next year.  I told her I would be happy to take her, drop her off and pick her up at 9 p.m.  The girls went to the mall, had a sleepover with three other girls, went to dinner with a group of about 9 other friends, went to Schlitterbahn, (but didn't get to ride Verruckt -click on it, if you want more info) and Grace spent the night with another friend.  They had so much fun.  We've all really missed Grace and it's nice to have her here with us! 


I took a trip to Colorado to visit Sarah, Matt and Addy Bea.  This visit we spent one afternoon in the mountains riding the Georgetown Loop Railroad.  Sarah and I did a little shopping at the outlet mall, had lunch at the local French bakery, Dream Pastries and perusing The Barn, which is a collection of antique and specialty shops on day.  I got to watch Addy Bea's swimming lesson and the last few minutes of class we stood poolside so she could show her stuff.  She is doing GREAT!  I'm so proud of her!  Then we drove down to Colorado Spring and ate lunch at a cute little diner and, although we intended to spend the afternoon at the zoo, we went to Garden of the Gods. With all the rain the area has had this year the park was lush and green and oh so beautiful!  I don't fly very often and had delays going and coming home.  Thankfully neither were too long.  Never the less, it is always good to see them.   
Had a flight delay going out...

Taking a ride on the historic Georgetown Loop Railroad

I really love the mountains.

Trip back up the mountain.

We got our tickets punch.

Addy, Matt, me and Sarah

We explored Georgetown, Colorado.

Dream Pastries

Sarah and I split this little piece of deliciousness!
The Barn has some hidden treasures.

This guy almost followed my home.

Look at her go!!

Post swimming happy dance! 

Lots of rain during my visit!

Ice cream on bacon.

We crawled around on the rocks at
Garden of the Gods.

Addy had fun sticking her head out the sunroof at screaming,
"I'm FREE!"
at a pull off at Garden of the Gods.

And a flight delay coming home.
At least I had a seat with a view...
too bad I couldn't see the mountains through the haze.

I had planned the trip to Colorado before I realized I was supposed to work that Friday, August 8th, it was an honest mistake since I don't normally work on Fridays.  I didn't want to start the new year off on the wrong foot in a new building, with a new principal and new teammate but hopefully all has been forgiven and forgotten.  

Last Monday was the Band picnic and the band played/marched the first part of their show. All I can say is WOW!  I've already mentioned how excited Jake is and now we can understand why!
This is the best picture I got of Jake next to his tuba.
Don't worry, there will be many more band pictures in the coming months.

Most of you may have read that there was a change in leadership at Sprint.  There was an All Hands meeting on Thursday and Jack thought the new CEO's plan will focusing on growing the business.  I have to say I like the sound of that!  Jack still likes his job.  It's keeping him busy and on his toes.  Good stuff.  He's taken Friday's off for most of the summer and has been playing golf.  It's been a great way to use up his nearly month of vacation that hasn't always gotten used.  His game hasn't been his best, but he has enjoyed it.  That's what counts, right?  

I've been back at work a week... the building is beautiful.  Katie put in many long hours getting the room ready and it's amazing!  We had a sneak peak and met with some of the students / parents.  We have big classes.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous.  We've got some tough new kids, add to the new building, new people, new principal... yep, there's just a little anxiety running through me.  One thing I LOVE is that it's on 8/10 of a mile from our door to the front door of the school.  I'm excited about that!

I hope you are doing well!


Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Day of School (already?!)

The time has come again.  Summer is over and the kids headed back to school today.

Annie was ready.  Jake tried his best to convince himself he was ready.  

He's a junior.  She's a sophomore.

HOW can that be possible?

Here was my attempt to get a first day of school picture...
A car was driving by... 
Jake went back inside...  ha ha!
Saturday Evening Post... ?
this is nuts...
how's this?
or this?
we're done...

Oh wait... here's where we started
on the deck.
I didn't think I liked it. 
But it was the best of the bunch.

Both kids had a good day.  

They like most of their teachers.  

Annie has one class -Latin II- that will be virtual.  The teacher will be at a different school and they will have an adviser in the classroom.  She is not excited about it but doesn't want to drop it since it's the only hour the class is offered and the last foreign language class she needs.  

Jake is taking Jazz Band and there are too many students in the class... so they will ALL be required to audition.  Jake will try out on trombone and bass trombone.  Auditions are Tuesday.  He's hopeful.  :-)  I'll keep you posted.

Hope you are all doing well.

I know I have a lot to blog about and I will make it a priority this weekend.  
